Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sup with Billo and Hannity?

Yesterday he showed child pornography. Censored, yes, but keep this in mind-whenever he reports on legal pornography, it's very lightly pixellated. This was blurred, heavier than the legal stuff, but still pretty bad. Anyway, is this distribution? Could a pedo defend himself if it's censored? I really hope the axe finally comes down on this jerk. Not literally of course.
Anyway, he said today that New York is a very liberal state. Yet if New York City broke away and became it's own state, New York State would be a red state. Not quite very liberal....
Earlier today Hannity went on about how Halloween is a liberal tool or something. Yep, "they teach our kids to beg for things for free!" Well, I'm paraphrasing, but that's pretty much dead on. Way to take something innocent (and nice) and pervert it, Jacobin!

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