Thursday, October 11, 2007

If Gandhi is right, Ron Paul could darn well win this

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win"-Mohandas Gandhi
Indeed, at first Ron Paul was ignored. Written off as a low second tier candidate. During the first debates, no one took him seriously and pretty much ignored him, with the exception of Rudy, who wanted to look like a tough guy by trying to smack down a smaller candidate. Of course, he failed miserably. When I first heard Ron Paul speak, I cheered like I did for Zell Miller back when I was a neocon. When he withstood he attack and fired back at Rudy, there was no question in my mind who I was supporting.
Then he was laughed at in a Fox News Channel debate. I'm still not sure who did it, but do we need to? Nah, all neocons always insult people instead of rebutting their arguments or backing up their insults. Why can't they? They know that if they had to justify why he's crazy, it's because he follows the law.
Are we at the fighting stage? Not totally, but we're at the cusp of it. Last debate, it was John McCain who said an ever so witty comment while Ron Paul was speaking. However, the national Review has started attacking him even more than usual.
By the time CNN airs the Youtube debate, I'll expect everyone to pile on Rep. Paul. If he fights back and either holds his ground or wins, expect him to win. If not everyone, expect the frontrunners to do it. In the end, he'll hold is own.
The third phase is likely to come before that debate though. Hannity and other neocons write him off as a nut and a fringe candidate, but they'll start attacking him.
And it'll be all the better for the one human hope for the GOP. Big guys like Giuliani, Ramney, McCain, Thompson, O'Reilly, Hannity, Levin (the posterboy of the Neocons), Limbaugh, Hume, and others will try to attack him and cut him down.
Let's hope and pray he has the vitality to win the respect of the voters by withstanding, become the neocons' worst nightmare because he's withstanding, and go all the way to the White House.

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