Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Rev. Wright

I hear all these dopes on the news cry about how horrible Jeremiah Wright is. Their main points:
-It's an outrage to compare US Soldiers to Roman Legionnaires
-His style is arrogant/egomaniacal
-It's damaging
-He's shrill, therefore his point is wrong (seriously)

-Aren't we building an empire? Don't we have soldiers far away from Rome (uh, I mean, DC)?
-Since when is being a fired up, charismatic minister something intrinsically bad?
-How is his defending himself damaging?
-Ad hominem?

-Yes, but our soldiers should be revered as Saints. So shut your anti-American mouth up.
-Of course, unless its on a Sunday. The only acceptable ministers are the ones who are hypocrites and worship the state.
-Logic? Haw haw

Apparently, answering semi-sarcastically (i.e. "Do you know what your pastor said on Sunday?) is absolutely evil.
I'd love to see what they would say about Bastiat if he was alive.
Does he hurt Obama? Maybe, but I have no respect for Barack now.

P.S. I'm laughing my butt off at their fruity responses. "He might have a point" "The black experience" "A conversation!"

Monday, April 28, 2008

Things that are seen and not seen-Catholic Schools

In Westchester, some Catholic school teachers are protesting their low wages. No one can argue that they get tend to get paid well, but some do (though it requires a Ph.D.).
I heard that they want an 11% wage increase. They were striking not too long ago, so it's obvious that they're trying to milk the Archdiocese for everything it can give and more.
What is seen are low wages. What is seen would be a revitalized staff. What is unseen are tuition increases (or using less quality material) and theft. Yes, these teachers who complain that they're not paid enough are stealing from every single parent. Subsitutes are brought in, school is closed, etc. They paid for their children's education. Isn't stealing the act of taking something, without permission, and without giving something in return? Parents payed for a full year of school, and they don't get it.
Not only are they stealing from parents, but they're stealing from the Archdiocese and anyone that contributes any money. Ultimately, these ravenous babies are stealing from the Catholic Church. And they say Capitalists worship the dollar? At least we're not stealing from the Church.

Give me freedom and no protection or give me death!

"We need the government to tap phones. So what if they tap innocent people's? Only those who do wrong need to worry."
The government does not protect us. We just need to look at Ruby Ridge, Waco, El Dorado, and all the cases of the police slaughtering innocents and destroying property. I fear the government far more than I fear terrorism. The government is more likely to do me personal harm than a thug with a box cutter.
I fear our own government more than any other nation's. Russia, China, Iran, etc had its fair share of atrocities, but no other nation used a nuclear weapon before. And for this I worry. Not for myself, but the global community.
I will not give up my liberties for protection. Not one. Once one is taken away, they have a case to take another and another away until we have cameras on every street corner and microphones in every room.
I'd rather be killed by a terrorist than be made "safe" by the government. Death before slavery.
Safety from outside invaders is a right. It's one of the few legitimate things the government can do. Freedom is another right. Freedom and safety go hand in hand, which is why we will get no safety if we sacrifice our liberties.
Yet the hordes jump for joy when the goverment comes to help. To protect them. They'll gladly give up their freedom to be "safe." The only question is: who will protect you from the government?

Friday, April 25, 2008

Rising food prices

The price of milk, corn, flour, oil, etc etc is rising steadilly. Corn's price rise is pretty obvious. The government says X amount should go to ethanol, so there's shortages. Remind you of something? Reminds me of two things-first, the 1970's oil lines. Regulation caused that. Second, FDR's New Deal which got us into this mess. Everyone curses Hoover, but the brunt came after Holy Lord Roosevelt (Exalted be His Name and His State!) implimented the New Deal.
What about the other stuff though? Is it the end result of food shortages? Sort of. Inflation has a pretty big hand in this I'd imagine. Just wait until the price of Pepsi rises. I'll be laughing while people bring up...Pepsi shortages?
So, what are some solutions to this problem? Well, I'm sure our glorious State will figure something out, right? Of course, I was testing your faith. Some of my predictions:
1. Further rationing
2. Kicking out 12,000,000 illegal immigrants because we obviously can't support more than 300,000,000 people
3. Government queues on production

So, socialism (Obama), fascism (McCain), or a mixture of both (Clinton)?
Good luck picking!

More cronyism in Queens

So, a judge decided that three NYC policemen weren't guilty of slaughering a man on his wedding day. It wasn't even decided by a jury. Yet another example of lackies of the state protecting eachother. Yet if you or I shot someone we thought was trying to run us down we'd be guilty before innocent.
Yet policemen and others employed by the state gets away with murder (literally).
Let's get real, there's a reason "to serve and protect" is only a TV slogan. TV is the only place that police never make mistakes. Boobus, of course, believes this. The only questions in my mind is "Who do they think they're fooling? Serve, hah! And who is going to protect us from them?"

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Republican National Convention


You should also be aware that, unlike your service as a State or local delegate, your influence on the process is considerably limited. The other primary states will, by convention time, have determined the Presidential nominee.

Yes, Ron Paul or another candidate might not win, but to give up would be giving into despair.

The platform process is divided and the opportunity to participate in even a piece of it is limited. After the convention, the platform is generally ignored.

Hey, finally some truth!

For this reason, the role of National Delegate is generally seen as a 'reward' for long and faithful service to the Party, rather than as a 'representative' to a deliberative body or a 'learning opportunity' for newcomers."

Although I'm not a fan of the Republic, I'm less of a fan of party despotism (Soviet Union) and the olgliarchy. I'm also begining to wonder if the big wigs have a fetish for service. First McCain's service to his country by being in the army and senate (since when is being a politician service?) and now service to the party? Yeesh.

The most frightening, yet hopeful, part:

3. You are expected to contribute to the "TV image" of the Party by being present, applauding and cheering at the "right" places, etc.

On one hand, it's creepy and almost cultic. On the other, they're probably a thread away from a party civil war.

Intelligent Design

I'm all for schools teaching Evolution or Creationism, and I'm all for the government getting out of the school business. It's their choice to teach whatever they want. Will there be some poor saps that learn that the Earth is flat and that gravity isn't real? Of course, that's an unfortunate side effect of freedom, but certainly not one to curb those freedoms. I'd bet a good number of these kids were either messed up from the beginning or will eventually come to the truth.
Intelligent design is being touted as the new creationism by secularists. Of course, a school should have the right to decide what to teach, even if I completely disagree with it. I wouldn't send my kids to that school.
What is intelligent design though? It's basically evolution with the mention of God. When I was a freshman in biology (and as a kid watching TV), I always assumed the "intelligent design" line. God created the universe, life, etc. Apparently this isn't enough for Christian Rightists. They're against the state unless its doing something for them (just like liberals). For some reason, God has to be mentioned. can their children assume anything? Can they figure anything out without having it spoon fed to them? Wait, I forgot, they went to state schools.
I have a solution for this problem, though. I know it'll never be considered by anyone important, but here goes: Teach evolution. A student is going to ask how life came into being. Tell them most people believe either X or Y. If no one asks, they're probably not interested.
See how easy it is? We'd have to go on the honor system (there is no honor in the government), but at least they both have grounds to complain.
As for creationists...they'll have to suffer through it. Hey, I had to suffer through the lies in my European History class, so why not just suffer through that? If it's garbage, it won't effect you.
(Don't they claim atheists are stupid for being opposed to something they don't believe in?)


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I knew I shouldn't have watched it...

Ten minutes in and McCain made me absolutely sick.
Or maybe its the media...they don't question the economic impact of continuing and expanding the empire. They actually like it. Yep, Americans may not die, but our economy is. Well, on the bright side, at least the US won't be involved in any wars...

Aww crap, who am I kidding? They'll try to hang on until someone conquers us, won't they?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Pope in AMERICA!

No, actually the Pope is in DC and New York. That's another long, strange story about me liking NY more than the US though...
Anyway, here's how my day went:
I was pretty tired around 1, but was scared to death by Fox's decision to do an emergency broadcast test. Seriously, that's the most annoying sound ever. I guess its supposed to make you fearful, but after the initial "aaah!!!" factor, it gets me more pissed off than anything else. That cold synthesized voice could say something like "Emergency broadcast: *message*". Of course, at normal speaking levels. The mind piercing screech isn't helping.
Anway, I'm wide awake and decide to keep watching the news. Maybe someone is going to say something so painfully stupid that it literally knocks me out. No, indtead I'm reminded of three things.
First, it's the deadline for you to "willingly" have your money stolen.
Second, John McCain is going to be on Hardball (I caught the last half of it and decided it was too painful to wwatch again. Since when is someone serving their own ambitions by getting into politics service to the country? I'm really getting scared of the 19 20's and 30's style rhetoric)
Third, the Pope is coming here.
Okay, I was never a fan of Sinclair Lewis' quote about fascism. I see it coming with protectionism and the green movement. I'm having second thoughts though. What little bit I could stomach, it was like the collective spirit of America ambused the Pope and suffocated him with the flag.
He's here to minister to the faithful. He's here to call for peace and harmony. He can care less about what Obama said. He's here as a religious leader, not an insane evangelical Christian Rightist. He's not going to endorse McCain, Obama, Clinton, Paul, or anyone running for president. He's here to endorse a spirit of renewal among American Catholics.
If there's one criticism I have of the Pope, it's that he came to America at the wrong time. At any other time, the media would't focus so muh on the politics. Of course, I doubt he knows that Americans are largely apathetic until the presidential elecction.
There were two highlights (besides seeing the Pope). First, there was a priest in awesome sunglasses. Second, the Vatican flag was a bit higher than the American flag.

Monday, April 14, 2008

No sense humor

Apparently the Yankees are looking into legal action against the guy that buried a Red Sox jersey under their locker room.
No sense of humor at all...

The fires of the rEVOLution spreads


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Nick News

Nickelodeon had a special about where a few kids stand on some issues *rolleyes*
I tried to get as many down as possible. And what I would have said if I was 7 years younger:

War in Iraq:
Worst part: Stay in Iraq even though it's draining our economy
Best part:???
My take: We can't continue the empire

Worst: I'm afraid of terrorists every day since 9/11.
Best: Media fearmongers
My take: They may attack a building or blow themselves up one day, but they aren't going to take over

Worst: Plenty of kids say more government money. Kid bitching how his mom doesn't get paid enough.
Best: Yeah right
My take: Privatize it.

Worst: No drilling for oil in Alaska. Get off oil (this way the government can invade Saudi Arabia! But the politicians say it's for the children...err...environment.)
Best: Government itself should become more green
My take: Let individuals choose. If we have to ban something though, let's ban the government. They're the biggest polluters.

Health Insurance:
Worst: Single parent/children not having healthcare heart string story. Government regulating prices. Girl calling for more taxes to pay for universal healthcare.
Best: Anti-government, pro-property girl. Tax cut boy!
My take: If the government takes control of it, the hospitals are going to raise pi=rices just because no one will complain.

Worst: Keep low interest rates. Stimulus package. Rant against the rich (raise their taxes!). Repaying foreign debt by raising taxes. Fascism.
Best: Stop out of control spending.
My take: No intervention in the economy.

Illegal Immigration:
Worst: Fence makes tension rise. Fence is awesome. More I.D. to get into country. Hinting at taking away business owner's right to hire them. Find them and toss them out. Amnesty.
Best: Boy that wanted to ease immigration law.
My take: read best :D

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The rEVOLution, MSM, and Bob Barr

You really have to love the hypocrisy of the MSM.
They focus on young liberal an neocon voters, but ignore the most dedicated young people and their candidate. Your basic Obama college age voter is only fired up about things that ultimately effect them. They would be ga-ga over Hillary if she promised free college, or at least a reduction in tuition. This frightens me since they're taking away state's rights (the price of a government school) and private property rights (regulation of the price of a private college).
It does make sense that they would ignore the ones that honestly believe that we should get back on the gold standard and end the fed, though. Most of the mainstream media's anchors and hosts are baby boomers who think they can use the government to change things for the better. They fail to see that it's like a pact with the devil. Yes, he can give you powers, but ultimately you're his servant no matter how much the opposite seems true. Most of them view people my age as apathetic if it doesn't benefit us. Paradoxally, most people my age that go to college are collectivists, so you'd think they would want to benefit humanity.
The media made a huge enemy this election year in the form of Ron Paul supporters. If Bob Barr wins the LP nomination, I expect the media to make even more enemies since they'll largely ignore him or ridicule him despite surprisingly high numbers. I hope I'm completely wrong though; it would be very interesting if he was able to participate at the presidential debate.

Fallen human nature and the economy

I read an article by Christopher Mannion and he mentioned fallen human nature and communism.
And then I remember the arguments from mixed economists and socialists that capitalism is bad because humans are imperfect and will eventually abuse the system.
Made me wonder, if communism or capitalism can't be implimented because of fallen human nature, how can a mixed economy be the best? Seems like the worst of both worlds.
So, it makes sense to me that capitalism is the least destructive economic system. If abuses are going to happen, at least it provides the most capital and the most in demand goods for reasonable prices.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Continuing the ADD train of thought

I know a few people with legitimate ADD, but even more with "public school ADD" (as I call it).
What better way to get kids to sit down and shut up when they're being bad, but not ADD disruptive, than ritalin? Maybe the disruptive kids are bored? Instead of taking the blame, schools shift it to the kid.
It's pretty normal for a kid to bounce off the walls a bit, right? Well, if the Public Schoolers got their way, kids would be robots.
(then again, if I got my way, kids would be Battlebots!)
Like I said, ADD is real, but schools are way too ritalin happy and give it to kids that act like normal kids.

So, I have ADD, OCD, Social Phobia, and Aspergers?

I took the single dumbest quiz ever.
Let's see why:
I don't find Dane Cook funny
I'm horrible with words and describing things
I can't take notes well (mainly because I'd rather just listen)
I don't want to be disturbed while painting models (I mean, I don't want to waste any paint or anything)
I happen to be fashionably challenged and have a bunch of shirts that are similar
I get ticked off if someone interrupts me while I'm doing something I like
I like things
I don't like it when people are late
I don't like meeting new people
I like daydreaming
I don't start or finish stuff
I bounced off the walls a bit when I was a kid
I hate hate hate hate working in groups and work better alone
I don't like when people hug me without warning (usually a real ass if they do it without even putting their arms out or something)
I don't like shaking hands
I'd rather figure something out then let someone tell me how (well, regarding most things anyway)
I hate it when people just decide to stop by without any announcement (hey, maybe the damn house is a wreck!)
I don't like reading aloud (I also hate my voice)
Sometimes smile at those wacky clip shows on Spike...I mean, besides the hurt people, it's pretty awesome
I twittle my fingers
Sometimes I stutter
I'm generally slower and more chilled out in a regular conversation so I take a bit to answer. Try keeping up with your basic New Yorker while not being on the edge of your seat.
Sometimes I express hapiness with prases like "a bat out of AWESOME!"
I occasionally answer rhetorical questions (either because there are real answers or I'm too dumb)
Sometimes I enjoy spinning and blinking objects
I like to watch slowly flowing rivers
Sometimes I feel like jumping over things
Sometimes I like to walk on my toes
I can't stand uncomfortable clothes
I can take a punch
I'm sensitive to lights
I don't like when people stamp their feet
I'd rather think of a dinosaur than the word dinosaur. Partially because Dinosaurs are cool
I'm a klutz
I suck at judging measurement
I got made fun of before
Sometimes I'm impatient and impulsive
Sometimes, I don't care if your dog died
I never care about who you know
I think a bit before I speak
I like cartoons :D

So then, aren't I just your basic lazy introvert that has green eyes and is a bit (or more than a bit in my case) nerdy?
Seriously...who likes when people are late? Or most of the things I mentioned...I know I'm weirder than most people, but I certainly don't have OCD (check my desk), ADD (I don't bounce off the walls), social phobia (I'd ather be by myself, but I'll talk to folks without a problem if I have to), or aspergers.

Monday, April 7, 2008


So, I was up kind of late last night and decided to watch some TV before I went to sleep. Should I watch Rock of Love II? Some news show? Whatever was on Nick at Night? The Universe on the History Channel? Nah, I decided to watch DEA, a show about the drug war!
Hoo boy, was I in for a surprise! Star Wars Ep. III was going a bit too long, and the ending symboized a lot for me. Those of you that can't remember, the last scene shows how Luke and Obi Wan got to Tattooine. There was also a beautiful sunset. What made this scene so awesome? Well, it symbolized a beautiful transition from those horrid new movies to the rockin' original three.
It also symbolized how I felt about the upcoming show. The Sun setting was beautiful, but you don't want to be out in the wilderness at night. Yep, DEA was like the night.
The opening minutes mentioned how heroic they were and how they could get killed. Well, people could get killed on that logger show on History, right?
I imagine the idea of the show is to muster up support for that endless war (as well as entertainment). Hopefully it'll do the opposite. I highly doubt it though.
I did realize three things though.
First, if the drug war ended, they would be out of a job. One guy said they wanted to end the sale of drugs (or something), but that's like saying you want to stop murder. Nice, but nothing you could do about it.
Second, I'm incredibly afraid of needles. I mean, the very thought of them unnerve me.
Third, I would get killed if my house was raided. I'm too snarky and sarcastic I suppose.
The show itself was alright. Just a lot of whining followed by innapropriate jokes and some door shmashing.

Dear Lord there was a lot of whining...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Racism is more rampant than you think

Before the Civil Rights movement you had Klansmen openly enjoy carnivals, people calling other folks niggers, wetbacks, and countless other names.
Martin Luther King Jr. wanted to create a colorblind society. We have integrated schools, stores where anyone is allowed to shop, and a half black man running for president since his death. Of course, there are far more things I could list, but I won't.
King failed in his dream. The color blind society is not here yet.
Children are bussed to schools far from their homes in the name of integration. Businesses are forced to hire minorities just because they are minorities. Everyone on the news is ga-ga over Barack being black.
Sure, it's historic, but an obsession with this is inherently racist.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

McCain: our lovable oaf

When I finished somewhere in the middle of my class (thanks to homework protesting/laziness), I got weird looks. When John McCain finishes near the bottom of his class, he gets a hardy laugh and a smack on the back.
When I screw up incredibly, I get yelled at. McCain crashes a few planes? Ho ho, have a medal!
If I ran for something and made vague religious references, I would be accused of using religion to further my ambition. McCain makes a few campaign videos using his POW footage and everyone loves it.

Yet if John Kerry was captured, I'm sure the neocons would have been up in arms about this sort of exploitation.
...maybe not. Kerry was pretty neoconservative himself.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Election 1920's and 30's?

What's more frightening than demons and cultists destroying whole solar systems? Nationalism and Socialism!
Keeping up the tradition of a previous post, I present Election: WWII edition!
McCain is Hitler (Godwin!), the soldier bent on fighting the enemy and making America greater.
Hillary is Stalin (Godwinish?), the one to bring even more socialistic reforms.
Obama is FDR, New Dealist, Wilsonite, and oh so beloved.
Romney was Moussolini (Corporatism in Michigan).
Ron Paul is (fittingly) Ludwig von Mises, the man who tried to fix Austria's ravaged economy (in a capitalistic way).
Now, which ones were involved in the war? Exactly.

Prince Phillip, get well soon

I sincerely hope you get well and recover soon.

Protectionism? Didn't we take care of this when we were little?

Remember when your mom/dad/teacher/passerby/whatever would tell you "The world doesn't revolve around you"? Remember how you shrugged it off and said "but it's not fair!" Remember when you realized that there are indeed other people you should take into consideration? Remember when you realize you deserve things because of what you've done, not because you're you?
If you're a free trader, yes you do.
If you're a protectionist, you don't. And if you do, you're disregarding something.
Does the average American boob deserve a job by birthright? No, they would deserve it because they have a skill.
"Well, Americans tend to be more skilled than poor people in South America/China."
Yes, they tend to. Doesn't this destroy my argument? No, if you continue reading.
People deserve jobs because they have a skill relating to it and are paid accordingly.
Ah, now we see clearly, yes? I did just state the obvious-jobs are going overseas because they don't have to pay them as much.
People will continue to curse the companies and corporations. They will ask the government to regulate wages even more. Ultimately, they're doing a disservice to Americans. Americans can't compete with foreign workers because their skills aren't worth minimum wage. What was intended to protect the average person now hurts them. This is nothing new; the government regulated the market to provide a higher standard of living to Americans but the opposite happened, and always will happen.
Asking the government to help and protect you is like an injured antelope asking a lion to do the same.