Saturday, October 6, 2007

Ron Paul on Good Morning America and Rudy hates Ferrets

It wasn't too bad. I'm happy that they called him the darkhorse candidate. If I remember correctly, John Kerry was too. We might have Giuliani's Howard Dean moment-a tirade against ferret people. Incredibly, this might be even more entertaining than Dean's moment.
There were two things that almost had me yell at my TV. The first was about Ron Paul's military contributors. They said he had the most, but implied that he barely beat John McCain. Well, last quarter, he beat him pretty well. In fact, Obama was the closest to him. I haven't seen anything on this quarter's numbers so far.
The second was the interviewer's chuckle when Paul told him how he would pay for everything. It was a pretty good answer too-spend less by cutting unnecessary departments.
Even if we don't win, I'd love to see him beat one of the frontrunners. I wonder how the neocons are going to spin that?
Edit-Here's the transcript
Rudy: It's my show, I have the right to talk over you.
David: But-Here's the thing
Rudy:The fact is
David: I called in last time, and-
Rudy: And the fact-and the fact-
David: and we're trying to get
Rudy: DAVID!
David: an important issue taken care of where the city is violating state laws.
Rudy: David-
David:And I asked you last week if you cared about the law.
Rudy: Yes, I do care about the law I think you have
David: So why-(?)
Rudy: TOTALLY AND ABSOLUTELY misinterpreted the law because there's something deranged about you.
David: No there isn't, sir
Rudy: You-
David: The law states
Rudy: ...the excessive
David: The law states
Rudy: ...concern that you have for ferrets is something you should examine with a therapist.
David: Sir, understand that-well, first of all
Rudy: Inaudible
David: There you go insulting me again.
Rudy: I'm not insulting you, I'm being honest with you. Maybe nobody in your life has ever been honest with you. But this excessive-
David: I happen to be more sane than you!
Rudy: David...
David: First of all-
Rudy: There is something-
David: let me explain something to you something about the law (?)
Rudy: there is a serious...
David: Mr. Giuliani-
Rudy: David.
David: Rudy-
Rudy: This conversation is over, David. Thank you. There is something really, really very sad about you. You need help. You need somebody to help you. This excessive concern with little weasels is a sickness. I'm sorry, that's my opinion. You don't have to accept it, there's probably very few people that will be honest as honest with you about that, but you should go consult a psychologist or a psychiatrist and they can help you with this excessive concern that you are devoting your life to weasels. There are people in this city, and in this world, that need a lot of help. There's something that has gone wrong with you. Your compulsion about it, your excessive concern with it, is the sign of something wrong in your personality. I do not mean to be insulting, I'm trying to be honest with you and I'm trying to give you advice for your own good. You have a sickness and I know it's hard for you to accept that because you hang onto this sickness and it's your shield-it's your whatever, I don't, you know. You gotta go to somebody who understands this a lot better than I do. And I know you're real angry at me and you're going to attack me, but actually you're angry at yourself. And what you're-you're-you're afraid of what I'm raising with you. And, you need help. And...please get it.

Commentary on his trade to come. The obvious question is why did he insult him? Just write him off as a nut? It's an issue, debate it, Rudy. If you're so sure it's the right thing, then debate it. It should be easy to argue.

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