Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Fred Thompson and the media reinforces my political ideology

I saw a poll about the economy, and Fred Thompson was in second. This is before yesterday's debate. How can a guy who made a few speeches, raised a bit of money, and smoked cigars while rebutting his critics come in second? I think it's because the average voter is somewhat apathetic and very uninformed.
I'm usually not against the media, and one of a tiny minority of trads that doesn't have a problem with TV. I'm starting to become anti-TV because adults are fusing information and entertainment. The real world and the world of mediocre TV shows is not the same thing. The show 24 is universally loved by neocons and justify themselves by implying "It's just like in 24, guys!".
So, do people trust Fred because they know what he believes, or because of his character on Law & Order? Thanks to him, they're referring to candidates as "Law and Order candidates", which is another word for totalitarian. I don't believe that the media is controlled by some shadowy conspirators trying to bring in a new world order one world government; but if there's such a conspiracy, they're foolish (perhaps aloof?) enough to help usher it in.
I honestly believe that most people are incredibly uninformed. Neocons and nationalists be damned, I'm saying it. They're too ignorant to vote and until a majority of Americans become uninformed I will be absolutely entrenched in my monarchism. Once they do, I'll still be a monarchist, but I'll have more respect for the American system.
People shouldn't skip debates and hear the recap, because plenty of times they end up spinning it to make a frontrunner look good. I remember this happened when they cut Ron Paul's rebuttal to Giuliani's rebuttal. It looked like Rudy won, but watching the actual thing shocked me. He put Rudy to shame.

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