Monday, October 22, 2007

Post Debate Thoughts

I would have done some pre-debate thoughts, but like I said, I'd rather not write about politics on Sundays. No posts yesterday because I was feeling sick and didn't do anything interesting.
Anyway, the debate was interesting. Not quite great like the FNC folks were saying, but still interesting. Ron Paul isn't on the end of the group anymore, which is good.
I hated the Rudy-Mitt-John-Fred love fest that went on in the beginning. Of course, I hate anything involving the popular warmongers.
My favorite part was the gay marriage amendment question to Ron Paul.
"You're not conservative! You voted against a marriage ammendment! Ha ha! Zing!"
"It's a religious thing, and the only reason the state got into that business was for heath reasons!"
Reverse zing! Ron Paul was booed a few times. Now that's interesting. Most of the folks there were Romneyites, so it makes sense. I wonder how many people listened to the boo's instead of what he said?
I think it was McCain that wanted to build the missile defense system in Eastern Europe, which probably is the sentiment of the other frontrunners. Too bad it breaks a treaty we had with the Russians. We break a treaty, and somehow they're the bad guys? Yeesh! McCain's "Lol wen I b lookin at Putin I b seein a Kay uh Gee an-a bee" was a bit repetitive. Yet more coldwar mentality. When I stopped being a neocon, I wondered about their mentality. Now it's coming true. I'm not prophet, anyone could have seen that coming from a mile away!
Finally, what's up with the Hillary=Ron because of the war? They're completely different. Actually, when it's election time, I bet Hillary is going to become less lefty, and Rudy less righty. Then what's the difference? More smearing by FNC, but it's okay because it was in the form of a question HA-HA!
Afterwards, they had their little "spin room" thing. They sure spun Ron Paul winning the text votes. I thought I'd never type this, but Viva Colmes! At least he has one advocate on that evil channel. Stacking the votes...haha!
Well, at least Hannity was a bit nicer to him to his face. He asked if he would endorse the Republican. He said no. Then I think he asked if he would endorse the Libertarian. Best answer given in this spin room episode-maybe. That's right, there's no groupthink in every party.
Calm down, calm down. Yes, there is groupthink in the Republican Party...her name is Hillary. "Vote for the Republican, or else Hillary will win!"
The sad thing is...Hillary would be better than Rudy, Mitt, Fred, or John.
And I'm actually as conservative as they come...
Edit-I forgot that Rudy said Marriage was not just a Religious institution, but a civil one as well. This guy calls himself a Catholic and writes it off as being bad at it? Being bad at it would be falling into the same sins, not totally disagreeing with common Church sense. The differences between Rudy and Henry VIII are slowly eroding.

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