Friday, November 16, 2007

Barry Bonds!

I just have to say, I'm on his side. I don't like him but I hate the federal government. They shouldn't arrest him for up to 30 years for taking steroids. In fact, I can see the good in steroids (mainly building muscles for the elderly to be stronger), so if there's people out there willing to take it, they're pretty much (unknowingly) guinea pigs. Hey, it would stink if Barry grew two heads and a lobster claw, but now there's a good reason to keep it from the public (although I wouldn't mind a lobster claw).
How much do you want to bet that they're going to go on a witch hunt and end up giving him 30 years just to punish him for cheating. It wouldn't surprise me since the government wants to control everything.
And baseball fans...just stop. Every big time fan I know is mad at him, but too bad! It could be argued that anyone's record isn't real since the seasons were shorter back then. When the point of baseball becomes smashing the ball over the fence, cheating is bound to happen.
So, keep on fightin' Barry! You smashed the ball to smash a smash the federal government!

Edit-Who cares about records? Anyone who doesn't like Barry won't recognize his, so don't take it away from him.

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