Saturday, November 3, 2007


I love how the debates are just dynamic commercials.
I love how its encouraged to give one liners.
I love how the clip fest the next day is more important than substance.
I love how the media manipulates clips.

Remember during a Fox debate when Ron Paul explained blowback and why 19 thugs attacked us? Well, Giuliani objected, probably still thinking that they hate our freedom. Then Ron Paul replied and blew Giuliani out of the water.
The next day on the news? They cut RP's reply. Looked like Giuliani did well. Yet there was no substance. Just more emotional manipulation.
And they claim to be as fair as possible? At least play the whole soundbite. Oh, a minute is too long, because you have to report on fat people getting cancer at least 5 times or that smoking is indeed bad, right? Give me a break.
They say you better listen to the voice of reason, but the don't give ou an choice 'cuz they think that it's treason.

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