Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Rev. Wright

I hear all these dopes on the news cry about how horrible Jeremiah Wright is. Their main points:
-It's an outrage to compare US Soldiers to Roman Legionnaires
-His style is arrogant/egomaniacal
-It's damaging
-He's shrill, therefore his point is wrong (seriously)

-Aren't we building an empire? Don't we have soldiers far away from Rome (uh, I mean, DC)?
-Since when is being a fired up, charismatic minister something intrinsically bad?
-How is his defending himself damaging?
-Ad hominem?

-Yes, but our soldiers should be revered as Saints. So shut your anti-American mouth up.
-Of course, unless its on a Sunday. The only acceptable ministers are the ones who are hypocrites and worship the state.
-Logic? Haw haw

Apparently, answering semi-sarcastically (i.e. "Do you know what your pastor said on Sunday?) is absolutely evil.
I'd love to see what they would say about Bastiat if he was alive.
Does he hurt Obama? Maybe, but I have no respect for Barack now.

P.S. I'm laughing my butt off at their fruity responses. "He might have a point" "The black experience" "A conversation!"

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