Monday, April 28, 2008

Give me freedom and no protection or give me death!

"We need the government to tap phones. So what if they tap innocent people's? Only those who do wrong need to worry."
The government does not protect us. We just need to look at Ruby Ridge, Waco, El Dorado, and all the cases of the police slaughtering innocents and destroying property. I fear the government far more than I fear terrorism. The government is more likely to do me personal harm than a thug with a box cutter.
I fear our own government more than any other nation's. Russia, China, Iran, etc had its fair share of atrocities, but no other nation used a nuclear weapon before. And for this I worry. Not for myself, but the global community.
I will not give up my liberties for protection. Not one. Once one is taken away, they have a case to take another and another away until we have cameras on every street corner and microphones in every room.
I'd rather be killed by a terrorist than be made "safe" by the government. Death before slavery.
Safety from outside invaders is a right. It's one of the few legitimate things the government can do. Freedom is another right. Freedom and safety go hand in hand, which is why we will get no safety if we sacrifice our liberties.
Yet the hordes jump for joy when the goverment comes to help. To protect them. They'll gladly give up their freedom to be "safe." The only question is: who will protect you from the government?

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