Monday, April 7, 2008


So, I was up kind of late last night and decided to watch some TV before I went to sleep. Should I watch Rock of Love II? Some news show? Whatever was on Nick at Night? The Universe on the History Channel? Nah, I decided to watch DEA, a show about the drug war!
Hoo boy, was I in for a surprise! Star Wars Ep. III was going a bit too long, and the ending symboized a lot for me. Those of you that can't remember, the last scene shows how Luke and Obi Wan got to Tattooine. There was also a beautiful sunset. What made this scene so awesome? Well, it symbolized a beautiful transition from those horrid new movies to the rockin' original three.
It also symbolized how I felt about the upcoming show. The Sun setting was beautiful, but you don't want to be out in the wilderness at night. Yep, DEA was like the night.
The opening minutes mentioned how heroic they were and how they could get killed. Well, people could get killed on that logger show on History, right?
I imagine the idea of the show is to muster up support for that endless war (as well as entertainment). Hopefully it'll do the opposite. I highly doubt it though.
I did realize three things though.
First, if the drug war ended, they would be out of a job. One guy said they wanted to end the sale of drugs (or something), but that's like saying you want to stop murder. Nice, but nothing you could do about it.
Second, I'm incredibly afraid of needles. I mean, the very thought of them unnerve me.
Third, I would get killed if my house was raided. I'm too snarky and sarcastic I suppose.
The show itself was alright. Just a lot of whining followed by innapropriate jokes and some door shmashing.

Dear Lord there was a lot of whining...

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