Saturday, April 19, 2008

Intelligent Design

I'm all for schools teaching Evolution or Creationism, and I'm all for the government getting out of the school business. It's their choice to teach whatever they want. Will there be some poor saps that learn that the Earth is flat and that gravity isn't real? Of course, that's an unfortunate side effect of freedom, but certainly not one to curb those freedoms. I'd bet a good number of these kids were either messed up from the beginning or will eventually come to the truth.
Intelligent design is being touted as the new creationism by secularists. Of course, a school should have the right to decide what to teach, even if I completely disagree with it. I wouldn't send my kids to that school.
What is intelligent design though? It's basically evolution with the mention of God. When I was a freshman in biology (and as a kid watching TV), I always assumed the "intelligent design" line. God created the universe, life, etc. Apparently this isn't enough for Christian Rightists. They're against the state unless its doing something for them (just like liberals). For some reason, God has to be mentioned. can their children assume anything? Can they figure anything out without having it spoon fed to them? Wait, I forgot, they went to state schools.
I have a solution for this problem, though. I know it'll never be considered by anyone important, but here goes: Teach evolution. A student is going to ask how life came into being. Tell them most people believe either X or Y. If no one asks, they're probably not interested.
See how easy it is? We'd have to go on the honor system (there is no honor in the government), but at least they both have grounds to complain.
As for creationists...they'll have to suffer through it. Hey, I had to suffer through the lies in my European History class, so why not just suffer through that? If it's garbage, it won't effect you.
(Don't they claim atheists are stupid for being opposed to something they don't believe in?)


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