Thursday, December 20, 2007
Time's Person of the Year
All the Neocons whine that Petraeus didn't get it and that they gave it to an evil Tyrant. Let's just see why Putin is so evil:
-He keeps down the opposition
-He threatens the US
-He controls the media
What about Bush and the establishment?
-Keeps down the opposition
-Threatens anyone they don't like
-Influences the media
"What?! How dare you compare Bush to him! Have respect for the president!"
-Putin pretty much keeps down the third parties. The Republican-Democrat establishment does too. Remember in 2004 when Michael Badnarik and David Cobb wanted to participate in the Bush-Kerry debate? Yeah.
-Bush threatens Iran and any nation that won't submit to the Hegemon. Democrats threaten going into Darfur, and the big ones want to have a continuing presence in Iraq. Putin? He "threatens" us because Russia is still quite a power and they're standing against the Neocons.
-Yep, both parties influence the media. From the New York Times having to take the Bush Administration's link to the CIA tape burning away to the Liberal Media Bias. Yes even Fox and Radio. Neocons are liberals.
So good for Putin.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Haven't posted for a while
Iowa debate was hilarious. Not because of Alan Keyes, but because of the global warming question. Not Fred's comment, but the fact the other "front runners" raised their hands. Yes, even Romney who flip flopped then and there. One minute raising, the next cheering Fred's "defiance".
Teaparty rocked. $6.04 Million. I predicted $6,000,000. Close enough for me that I'll call it accurate. If Ron Paul wins the nomination, I'll be right yet again. I said Bush was going to win in 2000, I said Kerry was going to get the nomination in 2004, said Bush was going to win in 2004.
Not much tea party coverage though. I bet if Huckabee broke the fundraising record they would report on it. The tickers and media (aside from Tucker Carlson)reported it as 5.4 Million or so. Hell, know who had the best week in the Hardball Power Ranking? Huckabee. Why? He insulted Bush and put a Christmas Ad out. Guess who else put one out? This is not fair at all. Not at all. I understand not reporting on Ron Paul normally. That's just the vicious media-consumer cycle. The fact that a 234,735,523,936th tier candidate (in their eyes) broke the fundraising record should be reported on more! At least recognized in those power rankings!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Holiday Tree
Some lady said it can't be a Christmas tree because (paraphrasing) "Christmas...Christ's Mass!" I would reply (not paraphrasing, though I wouldn't censor myself) "Holiday...Holy Day...HOLY S---!"
Monday, December 10, 2007
Hunter dodges, Romney lies, Thompson cries fascist, Paul rocks
Romney on why we have to stay in Iraq-We've been there for a while. It's about human lives!
And somehow being in Iraq makes us safer.
Thompson said "Islamic fascists" declared war on us. Just because we call the bad guys fascists doesn't mean they actually are.
Ron Paul connected Vietnam and the draft to Iraq rather well.
On the Chavez Question...
He's either trying to get support by smacking the "little" guy around or he's very nervous about his gains.
By the way, I like the idea of trying to be a peacemaker instead of telling someone to shut up just because we don't like him. The ifference between Rudy and the the King saying that? Juan Carlos had a good reason to.
Univision Debate
They had an english translation on CC3...the TV downstairs only goes up to CC2. I tried to translate the closed captions the best I could. I gave up after I said "Okay, he said something about illegal immigrants, pedophiles, and coca cola."
Anyway, there's the transcript. I'll be looking through it later, but at Lew Rockwell's site they're saying Ron Paull was the only one to tell it like it is.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Fox Smears
Completely unfair since it had nothing to do with the story!
Violent Video Games
They reported on an attempted violent video game ban in California or something like that.
My take-
I. Violent video games aren't going to make killers
II. They'll attract killers and violent people, but may act as a deterrent
III. Parents are putting the blame on video games trying to excuse either their horrid parenting skills or the fact that their child is insane.
The third point brins us back to our Puritanical American Values. "Gah! No way little Eeyore was depressed. No way! That would mean our genes aren't perfect!!!!" And, of course, we learn the "I can't do any wrong!" mindset from our government and false sense of patriotism.
NBC, you're traitors
"I lost two family members to Al Qaeda -- my uncle, a firefighter, on 9/11, and my husband, Travis, in Iraq. Congress did the right thing, voting to defeat terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan. Switching their votes now, for political reasons, it will mean more attacks in America."-Iraq War Widow
I lost two family members, therefore we should stay. More attacks in America, therefore we should 'poke the hornet's nest'.
I think we ought to swallow our pride. Let them "die in vain", with neocon wars every death is a vain death! Instead of defending our dwindling honor and falling position in the world, why don't we act truly pro-life and just get out? A massacre is going to happen, but there's already one. We can't afford to stay there for 50 or more years. It's going to happen no matter how long we're there. The only difference is how many of our soldiers are going to die. The longer we're there, the worse the massacre is going to be whether it's a million dead in a year or a million dead in ten years+750,000 dead the year we leave.
"They attacked us, and they will again. They won't stop in Iraq."-Iraq War Veteran
They won't stop in Iraq, therefore, we must attack other nations we deem are aiding terrorists? Sorry for the possible straw man, but I can't think of any other way of interpreting that.
The Pledge of Allegiance
It isn't the under God part, but the part directly after it that makes it intolerable. I refuse to submit to the idea that Lincoln's tyranny was a good thing. The United States should be just that, States that Unite to make the country. If they choose to no longer be united, that is their right! The nation is not indivisible.
Oh, and here's a good one for anyone who's bothered by the Pledge of Allegiance's addition of "under God". If you want to return to the pre-1954 version, why not return to the pre-1923 version? Heck, return to the original version! While we're at it, why bother with the hand over the heart thing? Why not the Bellamy Salute? Hey, we're returning to the pre-1954 pledge after all!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
A Letter to Reactionary Traditional Catholics
To those unsavory ones who poison the faith and "movement" for the rest of us, shame on you. Feminism is not the biggest problem to arise since the plague. You were likely raised in WASP America and born after or not too long before the Council. You see the evils in the world and react against them. Most react appropriately and call a spade a spade. Others call the spade a weapon of mass destruction and act accordingly.
Radical feminism ought to be fought, but feminism itself is not a bad thing. We should remember that in Protestant nations women were held back, In Catholic ones, they were much more free. The United States is a protestant nation and women were more oppressed than they were in Catholic nations (thanks to Puritanism).
You fight it by saying women should not go to universities. You say that women shouldn't wear pants no matter what. If that's your opinion and how you live your life, fine. Never ever tell others who do wear pants or go to universities to stop. That isn't your right. It is not sinful. There is a distinct difference between women pants and men pants. I challenge you to buy a pair of feminine pants, go into a dressing room, and try them on. If there's no such thing as feminine pants, you shouldn't object. If you won't for thesake of modesty, buy them and try it on at home. No one is going to see you.
The moment you start harrassing women who do things you don't approve of and the Church allows, you became the very thing you hate. There's not much of a difference between radical feminists and radical tradidionalists.
Like I said, if you want to wear dresses exclusively, be my guest...just don't force others to wear them.
Beyond this, I'm sickened with the extremists' attitude towards women. As women, they deserve respect even if they refuse to act like it. Let's say you treat a masculine female horribly. Are you going to treat an effeminate man like you would a female? Of course not! The logic just doesn't work out.
You view the world and reject the little good and cling to what you think is good. The only reactionaries like yourself are anti-Catholic Fundamentalist Protestants. Why read books written by protestants and not Novus Ordo Priests? In your opinion, aren't they pretty much on the same level? If you can weed out the bad from the good, why can't you with modern Catholic books?
We don't have many good Catholic examples in this country, so we subconsciously look up to those who also hate modern society. As a result, a subset of traditionalists who think it's their right to force their views of morality where the Church allows us to choose on fellow Catholics.
Who knows how many tradition loving Novus Ordo Mass goers are turned off by the whole "feminist" issue?
While I think homeschooling is best for a child, I do realize that some Catholic women can't do it and it's their right to raise their children however they want as long as it isn't against any Church teachings or dangerous to their faith.
I never hear any women who wear pants, send their kids to school, or anything else you reactionary radicals happen to believe in acct the same way towards you. I never once read a traditional Catholic woman say to another "Yeah, you should really get rid of the dress and wear pants. You're in an occasion of sin-pride" or "You really should send your kids off to school they're going to be dumb!"
No, I never did read it. Wearing dresses exclusively is not going to cause most people to be proud. Wearing pants aren't going to turn them into raging radical feminists. Most homeschoolers are smart, and so are most trad kids who went to school. It has more to do on how they're raised.
So please, before you start declaring things ex-cathedra from your armchair, remember that the Church never officially taught that women pants are sinful. You wouldn't like it if someone incaded your house and told you what to do. Not all pantswearers are raging feminists, especially traditional women.
As a result of these obervations, I am officially announcing that I am going to attend "Indult" and NO Masses exclusively since the types I'm talking about tend to dislike those two groups and avoids them.
To anyone that misinterpreted this-This is not targeted to everyone that wears dresses exclusively. This is targeted at people who feel the need to be a pope from their computer chair and try to speak infallibly on matters not defined by the Church. This is targeted at men who claim to act like men but don't respect all women no matter what they happen to be wearing.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Fox advocates violence...again and again and again!
See, no matter how fast I drive on the wrong side of the highway (like they guy on Fox said he heard he did) if I turn around, put my hands up, and jump into some shrubs I'd expect to be cuffed.No, the first cop punched the guy after he gave up, then and then another cop jumped in and joined in. And then more joined in.
The guy clearly gave up. It's the officer's job to arrest the guy. It's the judge's job to bring justice to the criminal.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Hannity's Americanism is showing
Pray for this misguided man.
Feast Day of St. Nicholas
You better watch out! You better be nice, or else!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Computer Sins
Overlooked is whether hotlinking is a sin or not. Obviously it is if downloding music is a sin. Why? It steals bandwidth and money from the host website. Always right click and click on properties.
The rEVOLution!!!!
Video 1-"He can say a few words on behalf of Ron Paul" even though the Fred Thompson lovefest went on for 90 minutes?
Video 2-Longer
Down with the endless warfare/welfare state!
Abortion quiz-And to think, I hate legal matters
You got 9 out of the 12 questions correct for a 75%. Roe IQ Test.
-->That result puts you in the 71st percentile when compared to everyone who has taken the test.
I got the question about how many were performed, the Supreme Court Justice quote, and which country it's easiest to have one in wrong.
How I knew about the law itself but not the details is kind of frightening. Like I said, I hate legal matters!
Them wacky muslims and their kooky laws
(I wanted to blog on this, but I couldn't log in when I first read about it and when I finally could there were other things that got me worked up to write about)
If Ron Paul doesn't get the nomination...
Of course, if one of those three do win, I'll abstain from voting since there's not even one redeeming quality about them.
Yeah, there's third parties and there's two that I really like. The system is corrupt and ends up working against what we're taught this country stands for.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Rosary and Christmas Tree
The decorations are almost all up on the tree. I totally forgot about the awesome ornament I got from my parish about 8 years ago.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Since Christmas is creeping eve so closely...
"We are the armies of the empire, we are the legionnaires of Rome. It's Christmas in Fallujah and we ain't never comin' home!"
I think I figured out my next rotoscope project. I won't start today since I have some decorations to put up, but I will as soon as I wake up!
To see my other ones (and pictures of clouds and fungi) click here.
Don't get off oil!
Just imagine if the US decided to bomb the Vatican.
Aw shucks, it did kind of happen during WWII. Nevermind then!
Ven. Pius XII, Bl. Karl, pray for us!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Ban salt!
I was outraged over the banning of transfats. I have friends that said it wasn't that bad since transfats are really bad for your body. Like everything that won't instantly kill you, the trick is moderation. If I ate McDonalds french fries 1-4 times per year (sounds about right for me; maybe I have it 5 or 6 times some years), it's not going to kill me. Just like cigarettes. If I smoked one per day (and it is possible if you avoid all the things that can make it a habit), I certainly wouldn't be hurt. Maybe not as healthy as the non-smoker when I'm 70, but at that point I won't need to run around.
So banning things because it's bad if you have it too much is just stupid. Now, the government wants to regulate (get ready for this one) salt! Yes, nothing is safe. Next, tobacco will be outlawed; especially if Huckabee wins.
If there wasn't a reason to get rid of the Department of Education, this should give one. I bet they'll teach how to put salt on food and to turn in anyone that uses too much. Tasty!
And what's the ultimate outrage? The Surgeon General wants a skinnier Santa because kids should look up to people who are in shape. God help us all if a kid happens to look up to his overweight dad! Nope, that would be wrong. They should look up to athletes!
Friday, November 30, 2007
My God, are we in a police state?
They also showed footage of the military cops gathering around s0me sort of yellow car. Looked reinforced. Now they're showing the police moving in by using military formations.
Yeah, the militarization of the police is here.
Rudy vs. Ron Supporters
Mon Dieu, MSM!
He mentions cutting the IRS, he's a kook. Huckster does and the people cheer and he's a winner. He wants to actually cut taxes by cutting programs, they say he's an extremist. Everyone else says they want to cut taxes while somehow maintaining the Empire and ignoring the paradox, they report it as possible. They don't press Hillary on how she's going to balance the budget while expanding the bureaucracy (I bet it involves making more money).
It's wrong that a brothel owner supports him, but it's not wrong that Rupert Murdoch supports Hillary? It's cool that an old meme and Ric Flair supports him, but they don't say Val Venis or Kane does? Oh, of course...the only people that support Ron Paul are anarchists, libertarians, white supremacists, terrorists, prostitutes, and all kind of fringe kooks.
They air Romney and Giuliani fighting like two little kids that have crushes on eachother. They air when people slap Ron down and he's not allowed to reply. They don't air when he shoots down the Neocons.
The ultimate knife in the American people's back? Hailing Mike Huckabee as the great winner of the debate! No, he didn't win. He showed himself as a tax lovin' liberal. Chris Matthews did make a good point, though. The questions he "hit out of the park" were inappropriate.
In all honesty, no one really won. Not even Ron. Yeah, I said that because he didn't get enough questions. He did a great job defending himself, though. There were clear losers.
Romney lost on the immigration lovefest at the beginning and over the CS navy jack question. Thompson lost on the government program cutting question. McCain lost with his failed attack on Dr. Paul. The audience lost because they booed the golden rule and the Sermon on the Mount. Blessed are the peacemakers (though they might have heard the Cheesemakers)
Check the results in the media. How do they choose the winner? Well, whoever happened to tell the best jokes, and to a lesser extent, whoever spoke the best.
Rudy's Reading List
(I would have posted at midnight, but I was watching the money thing)
Or maybe I just really like Alf...
McCain Article
"We Americans are a strong confident people. We know that in open competition our ideals, our ingenuity, and our courage ensure our success. Isolationism and protectionism are a fool's errand. We should build no walls in a futile attempt to keep the world at bay. Walls are for cowards, not for us."-John McCain
Looks like the strong confident McCain got shot down by a weak humble Paul. Just one problem...McCain isn't actually strong and his confidence comes from him hiding behind his military experience. Wait, make that two. Rep. Paul is humble, but certainly not weak. He looks it compared to the other baboons, sure, but he'll smack you down!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Youtube Debate
Anyway, my reaction-
Rudy/Mitt lovefest continues. I swear, the front runners seem like they're running for Governor.
More importantly, John McCain is out of his mind. Isolationism caused WWII? Hitler should have been stopped before he came to power? Sorry, but if he was, he would have been a hero and not the reviled man he is. Anyhoo, better that he wasn't a hero to the Germans. I can just imagine "Iran is the new Austria-Hungary!" Speaking of, it was the Allies' (including the US) fault that Hitler came to power and WWII started. The idea of a noble America has been shattered for me mainly because of WWI. That's another post for another day, though.
The biggest heartbreaking moment for me wasn't seeing Ron Paul smeared. No, he can overcome that like he has very time. It was when he (more or less) said we shouldn't be in Iraq telling them what to do because we wouldn't like it and people booed him.
Remember, we see those we stepped on to rise to the top when we fall to the bottom.
Of course, there were lots of jokes. People like jokes and it courts voters. Such a shame that something so shallow courts them.
Finally, thanks to the massive amount of time the front runner candidates took up, there weren't many questions.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Special Report and Ron Paul
It's time to counter the neocons' poison with charity and explain why Ron is against prostitution but isn't going to let the Federal Government do anything.
When Ron wins, just watch Fox say Ron is a tyrant for vetoing things the government shouldn't do.
Medievals believed the Earth was flat
The History Channel
I saw a show on General Sherman today. It wasn't that bad, but there was an apologist. I don't care if "foraging" is a part of war. In reality, it's a glorified word for sacking. Somehow the CS was bad worse for killing Union soldiers according to one of the presenters. It still wasn't a bad show, though.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
His Most Eminent Beatitude Cardinal Patriarch Mar Emmanuel III Delly
If more people knew what the H.H. had to say about the war, more opinions would change. Not many, but we can use even more.
May the media report more on this courageous Cardinal and all the Chaldeans.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Just a heads up
The more Americans in the Vatican, the better for America...right?
And no mention of the Chaldean...oh yeah, I forgot...there's a genocide that is America's fault. Whoops!
If there weren't any Americans, would Fox mention them so much? I highly doubt it.
Thanksgiving-What was I thankful for?
The ultimate wrestling match
Lillian Garcia-Introducing, from the United States of America, The Freetarian, Citizen X, and Ron "The Champion of the Constitution" Paul!
Crowd cheers very loudly. Ron Paul Revolution signs wave about in the audience. The freedom living trio pose in the middle of the ring; tens of thousands of cameras flash
Battle Hymn of the Republic plays
Lillian Garcia-And coming down to the ring, from America, Woooo, Old Meme, and Mike "Taxes, War, and Weightloss" Huckabee!
Mainly nostalgic Ric Flair fans and young DBZ haired fans cheer, though there's a few pops for Huckabee. Mainly from former fatties. Ric Flair lets out a monster "wooooo" while Chuck and Mike tell jokes from his campaign commercial.
Ric-You jitterbuggin' leg tuggin' rooty tootin' 453 pound loosin' fellas know that Chuck Norris facts are, in fact, not real facts
and Freetarian comes from nowhere to tell them the true meaning of Christmas...err, the point.
Freetarian-Well, it means that everything Chuck says about you isn't true.
Lillian Garcia-Well, Jerry had to have toe surgery. We got the Burger King King instead. He doesn't talk though.
Citizen X and Chuck face off.
J.R.-Will Chuck whip him like a Govuhmint Mule?
Chuck-You know what's under my beard?
Citizen X-Do I have to call the cops on you?
Chuck-That's not funny. This is though---it's another fist
Chuck stares at him, straining to grow another fist out of his chin
And he actually does. Citizen X punches Chuck in the face several times. He falls hard and a sea of Ron Paul signs go up.
Citizen X tags out and the Freetarian comes in. As Chuck Norris rises from the mat, Freetarian chants "Ron Paul Revolution" which starts an audience chant.
Freetarian-Hellllllooooooo Freedom!
Chuck-Hello security!
As Freetarian and Chuck exchange blows, they yell quotes at eachother. Ric Flair, being the dirtiest fighter since Chuck Norris' accident, jumps in.
Ric-Let terrorists blow up my WTC, will ya?
Ric charges at the Freetarian with an iron fist. Cold iron meets the libertarian's skull with such force that the internet started making Flair jokes. Citizen X climbs up the top turnbuckle and smacks Flair with the invisible hand of libertarianism. Flair is confused and flees. Citizen X follows him throughout the arena and eventually into a Subway restaurant. Flair hides in the bathroom with a turkey sandwitch. Citizen X buys a delicious meatball sandwitch on white bread with american cheese and eats it while waiting for Flair.
The Freetarian is put on a stretcher. Ron Paul approaches to see if he's okay.
Freetarian-Ron, they may have got me, but you're the last hope for freedom. They won't get you!
Ron-Freetarian, God speed, and long live the constitution!
J.R.-King, it's a handicap match!
Burger King senses that Ron Paul is hungry and he sneaks up, a la Sneak King. He is refreshed and ready to fight. Ron pulls out a mini-constitution and smacks Chuck's leg off. It lands into the hand of a kid with aspergers. He promptly kills himself because he's so happy. Another asperger kid picks it up to sell on e-bay.
J.R.-Huckabee wants Ron Paul disqualified for using a weapon. It's not like he used my wife's cooking, God rest her soul!
Fan-Jim...isn't your wife still alive?
J.R.-The ref said that the constitution is not an illegal weapon!
Ron Paul hits Chuck again. This time his beard flew away. Ron pinned him
Chuck-I don't kick out, I kick up!
Obviously, Chuck couldn't grow a leg from his chest and he lost. The Ron Paul legion screamed with glee and waved their signs.
Huckabee sobbed with Flair in the bathroom of the Subway. He had a turkey sandwitch.
Later that night Subservient Chicken and Burger King had an epic brawl.
J.R.'s trial went well. "If the hat doesn't fit, you must aquit"
I think it's pretty awesome that Val Venis and Kane are endorsing Ron Paul. Pretty cool that Huckster has Ric, though. I bet J.R. is going to endorse Romney, but his barbeque sauce seems like a McCainite.
I wonder how many wrestlers are conservatives, or at least Republicans.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
What I learned this thanksgiving
II. Alexander Hamilton was the first real conservative and Jefferson was the first liberal
III. Being an American is better than being a Catholic.
Now to explain-
I. On Fox, they were reporting on the Seattle schools reminding us that Indians (feather, not dot) mourn. More than when they find a sole piece of litter on the side of a highway. They also said that the site or pamphlet or whatever said that the pilgrims were fundies. Reported in a "yeah, right" tone. Anyone who says the puritans weren't fundies must be really messed up.
II. Well, I heard this yesterday and they were talking in terms of modern politics. Theres nothing liberal about paleoconservatism and paleolibertarianism!
III. This came from a report on an American becoming a Cardinal. Sorry, but that's not nearly as important as the Chaldean. I'm still betting that the Church in the US is going to split away. Patriotism is more important than the faith. Heck, American Catholics treat US soldiers as martyrs. The mixing of nationalism and religion is a dangerous thing.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Right-wing rally gets go-ahead in Spain despite fears of violence
The Associated Press
Published: November 13, 2007
MADRID, Spain: A Spanish court has given the go-ahead for a far-right rally this weekend despite tensions after a fight between leftist and rightist gangs left a teenager stabbed to death, officials said Tuesday.
The demonstration will commemorate the killing of Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera in 1936 by leftist forces during the Spanish Civil War.
For decades the anniversary has served as a rallying point for small numbers of people nostalgic for the authoritarian rule of former dictator Gen. Francisco Franco, who died in 1975 after 40 years of hard-line government.
Primo de Rivera founded the Falange, the political movement associated with the Franco regime.
Annual events, including the anniversaries of the deaths of Primo de Rivera and Franco deaths, have attracted sympathizers carrying Franco-era flags — and, more recently, banners bearing anti-immigration slogans.
Madrid's regional government initially banned the rally because it considered its slogan — "Assassinated by Socialists" — provocative enough to trigger violent clashes, Justice Ministry spokesman Enrique Lopez told The Associated Press.
Rally organizers withdrew the slogan and reapplied for permission, and Madrid's provincial court ruled the rally could go ahead.
"In Spain we do not criminalize political thinking, however radical. It only becomes illegal when ideology actively supports violence," Lopez said.
The rally is going ahead despite a fight Sunday between far-right and antiestablishment gangs who clashed with knives, gas dispensers and other weapons inside a subway station in Madrid. A 16-year-old boy with the leftists was stabbed in the heart, and died. Eight other people were injured in the clash.
Police said they had wanted to ban the upcoming rally to avoid a repeat of such violence.
The demonstration is to include a march to the Valley of the Fallen, a massive monument housing the tombs of Franco and Primo de Rivera 54 kilometers (34 miles) northwest of Madrid.
Sorry CNN, but the Yolk was the symbol of the Catholic Monarchs...not somehow a nazi symbol.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
An end to the war?
Neocons are yelling about the pentagon firing civilian workers to fund the war and how the troops are now in harm's way. Somehow, this is the legislative branch's fault. Yes, the congress isn't patriotic because they aren't giving the troops our money! I always thought patriotism was the love of country and not love of the military/soldiers. At any rate, someone has to grow a spine and place the blame on Bush. Something like "Hey, we're ending the war by giving a limited amount of money. He's the one putting them in harm's way by not taking them out by the time the money runs out."
Assuming patriotism is the love of the military/soldiers, congress is ending war and by keeping them in without money, the president is the unpatriotic one. Unless patriotism is re-redefined as the love of war. In that case, yes, the congress is unpatriotic.
Guns in Boston
Good job, America! You go from the Boston Tea Party to the Boston Gun Search Party!
God Bless America!
In school shootings, I always blame the tool and not the nut!
Friday, November 16, 2007
What's up with the Bishops?
Barry Bonds!
How much do you want to bet that they're going to go on a witch hunt and end up giving him 30 years just to punish him for cheating. It wouldn't surprise me since the government wants to control everything.
And baseball fans...just stop. Every big time fan I know is mad at him, but too bad! It could be argued that anyone's record isn't real since the seasons were shorter back then. When the point of baseball becomes smashing the ball over the fence, cheating is bound to happen.
So, keep on fightin' Barry! You smashed the ball to smash a smash the federal government!
Edit-Who cares about records? Anyone who doesn't like Barry won't recognize his, so don't take it away from him.
Viva il Papa!
By Damian Thompson
Pope gets radical and woos the Anglicans
Damian Thompson
Last Updated: 12:01am GMT
Two and a half years after the name "Josephum" came booming down from the balcony of St Peter's, making liberal Catholics weep with rage, Pope Benedict XVI is revealing his programme of reform. And it is breathtakingly ambitious.
The 80-year-old Pontiff is planning a purification of the Roman liturgy in which decades of trendy innovations will be swept away. This recovery of the sacred is intended to draw Catholics closer to the Orthodox and ultimately to heal the 1,000 year Great Schism. But it is also designed to attract vast numbers of conservative Anglicans, who will be offered the protection of the Holy Father if they covert en masse.
The liberal cardinals don't like the sound of it at all.
Ever since the shock of Benedict's election, they have been waiting for him to show his hand. Now that he has, the resistance has begun in earnest - and the Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, is in the thick of it.
"Pope Benedict is isolated," I was told when I visited Rome last week. "So many people, even in the Vatican, oppose him, and he feels the strain immensely." Yet he is ploughing ahead. He reminds me of another conservative revolutionary, Margaret Thatcher, who waited a couple of years before taking on the Cabinet "wets" sabotaging her reforms.
Benedict's pontificate moved into a new phase on July 7, with the publication of his apostolic letter Summorum Pontificum.
With a stroke of his pen, the Pope restored the traditional Latin Mass - in effect banned for 40 years - to parity with the modern liturgy. Shortly afterwards, he replaced Archbishop Piero Marini, the papal Master of Ceremonies who turned many of John Paul II's Masses into politically correct carnivals.
Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor was most displeased. Last week, he hit back with a "commentary" on Summorum Pontificum.
According to Murphy-O'Connor, the ruling leaves the power of local bishops untouched. In fact, it removes the bishops' power to block the ancient liturgy. In other words, the cardinal - who tried to stop Benedict issuing the ruling - is misrepresenting its contents.
Alas, he is not alone: dozens of bishops in Britain, Europe and America have tried the same trick.
Murphy-O'Connor's "commentary" was modelled on equally dire "guidelines" written by Bishop Arthur Roche of Leeds with the apparent purpose of discouraging the faithful from exercising their new rights.
A few years ago the ploy might have worked. But news travels fast in the traditionalist blogosphere, and these tactics have been brought to the attention of papal advisers.
This month, Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith, a senior Vatican official close to Benedict, declared that "bishops and even cardinals" who misrepresented Summorum Pontificum were "in rebellion against the Pope".
Ranjith is tipped to become the next Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, in charge of regulating worldwide liturgy. That makes sense: if Benedict is moving into a higher gear, then he needs street fighters in high office.
He may also have to reform an entire department, the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, which spends most of its time promoting the sort of ecumenical waffle that Benedict abhors.
This is a sensitive moment. Last month, the bishops of the Traditional Anglican Communion, a network of 400,000 breakaway Anglo-Catholics based mainly in America and the Commonwealth, wrote to Rome asking for "full, corporate, sacramental union".
Their letter was drafted with the help of the Vatican. Benedict is overseeing the negotiations. Unlike John Paul II, he admires the Anglo-Catholic tradition. He is thinking of making special pastoral arrangements for Anglican converts walking away from the car wreck of the Anglican Communion.
This would mean that they could worship together, free from bullying by local bishops who dislike the newcomers' conservatism and would rather "dialogue" with Anglicans than receive them into the Church.
The liberation of the Latin liturgy, the rapprochement with Eastern Orthodoxy, the absorption of former Anglicans - all these ambitions reflect Benedict's conviction that the Catholic Church must rediscover the liturgical treasure of Christian history to perform its most important task: worshipping God.
This conviction is shared by growing numbers of young Catholics, but not by the church politicians who have dominated the hierarchies of Europe for too long.
By failing to welcome the latest papal initiatives - or even to display any interest in them, beyond the narrow question of how their power is affected - the bishops of England and Wales have confirmed Benedict's low opinion of them.
Now he should replace them. If the Catholic reformation is to start anywhere, it might as well be here.
Yep, let's give the pope a break. I just figured out why the pope didn't go fully traditional. Imagine the schism! Yeah, it could be argued that they already are, but imagine the sorrow of knowing that it could have been possible to keep a lot more people in the Church!
Plus, one objection is that the changes of Vatican II happened too fast. Reverting will take a while, and it'll seem more organic.
Let's stop being super radicals demanding immediate'll come. Just give it time. May God give Benedict XVI a long and healthy life (here's to 20 more years!)
Thursday, November 15, 2007
What's the difference?
"Hey, I heard an Iraq War vet spoke out against the war"
"Haha! So what? Most of the soldiers are for it and believe the mission!"
"Wow, global warming is really scary!"
"Bah! There's some scientists that don't believe in it!"
Well, one's in the affirmative and the other negative...but otherwise it's the same idea. Yet there's a lot of people who do that. Makes my head explode.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
I told you...
Fair? If you're Giuliani, yes. Balanced? Only if you happen to be a Giuliani fan (or a Romney/McCain fan...there's not much of a difference). Puts a whole new meaning on "we report, you decide", eh?
So, next time Hannity talks about spamming the text message vote (which wasn't possible without another phone) or stacking the cards, I'll smile ever so giddily knowing that it's really him who's stacking the cards in Giuliani's favor.
I wouldn't worry too much about Hillary being pimped. Her patriotism is bound to be questioned by any Republican that isn't Ron Paul. Of course, it's logically fallacious. If it's a kook, fringe, far *direction*, conspiracy theory position, it shouldn't be too hard to take down.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Yet more on torture
"That's not torture", says the soldier, "I went through that!". Well, you also went into a building pumped with gas and had to take your helmet off. And, of course, people sure love to justify it by mentioning the troops! Hey, who's going to argue against them (except for some libertarians and the ever rare discontent conservative)?
Yet not everyone is a soldier. Even terrorists. A lot of them become angry because the US has to act like the world police. They join a terrorist group to fight the Americans. They get captured and are possibly tortured. Our country does this because they apparently hate our freedom. So, instead of showing them that we aren't the great Satan, we end up acting like it, and it's sickening.
Sleep deprivation, standing up for a long time, et al is always defended by the average talking head saying "Yep, I'm a mother and I can attest that it isn't torture!" A baby won't keep someone standing up for days on end or keep them up for 72+ hours. Why am I using these numbers even if the US government never said how long it happens? Well, a long time for us is 4 or more hours. The KGB made people stand for 72+ hours. You can't get information by making someone stand for a handful of hours, but days? Oh yeah, whether it's true or not.
Let's use a real world example where I'm a soldier and a man is the terrorist. I hold him in his room, I force him to stand up, I blast music for days on end, and/or I don't allow him to sleep for days or weeks.
It's justifiable for a soldier since they're good guys and they're doing it to bad guys.
Let's say I wasn't a soldier. Let's say the man wasn't a terrorist. Let's say the man stole my wife. Or better yet, killed my kids in a car accident. I did this to him and justified that he was an evil man. I could be tried for a load of charges.
All that aside, I don't believe it's possible to be fully moral and support torture. Apply the golden rule to everything. Yes, the terrorists cut our heads off, but only because they hate us for being there and because they think we're an evil country. We were told that China and North Korea are evil because they torture. Yet it's a-okay to torture if you're an American! God bless us all!
A bomb is about to go off, we should torture them...right? Well, morality says that the end doesn't justify the means. Logic says if a bomb is about to go off, torture won't be effective by the time it's supposed to go off. Can't get a person sleep deprived in 5 minutes! Better yet, they probably can't even get the person that knows anything about it in 5 minutes.
Seriously, why would they talk if it's about to go off? If water boarding is simulated drowning, they wouldn't care. Of course, if it's gradual drowning, it's torture.
I think I might have stumbled onto something!
Monday, November 12, 2007
A thought about politicians
A while ago a friend said to me who I'd rather have as a president and described 3 people which amounted to a perfect one, a bad one, and somewhat lazy one.
He was stunned when I said I would't vote for the perfect one because it was obviously Hitler, and the bad one was obviously Roosevelt. The lazyish one was Churchill.
People would vote for Hitler because he was perfect. Of course, once you know history, you wouldn't vote for the perfect one because he was perfect or electible. For all you know, he'll be the next tyrant.
Of course, 90% of Americans ask "but can X really win?" Well, yeah, if people worried less about winning and more about voting for their principles.
Time for a Crusade!
Of course, the Crusades were mostly defensive wars which is why War on Terror=/=Crusade. Yes, I just said the War on Terror is an offensive war, because it's true. If there's indeed a "5th column", it's not loyal to a country, but a group. Which is obviously why we invade countries or blow stuff up belonging to other governments. I bet if the Klan started raising Hell in Europe and, let's say England, bombed a nuclear power plant, we'd be pretty mad.
Same idea, basically.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Continuing on schools....
Yeah, I believe problems could be solved with least as a temporary patchup. Not everything is going to need a good fistfight, but I've seen some pretty heated rivalries cool down after a few slaps. Yes...slaps. Sure, they didn't become friends, but they never bugged eachother again.
We need those good ol' fistfights. "You have a good punch" "Gee, you could take one alright!" So there's generally three types of people that could be broken up into political theory.
Liberals-Never use violence, even if a guy is beating up a gal.
Conservatives-Violence is sometimes justified.
Neocons-Violence solves almost everything.
The faculty advocates liberalism while most students who congregate for a fight advocate neoconservatism. Then you have the coservatives who either don't pay attention or watch from where they are...maybe getting a bit closer to see or hear what's happening.
The liberals would jump in before anything could happen. The conservatives would break it up sometime during the fight, right before someone got hurt. The neocons wouldn't be happy until someone died.
Makes sense? I sure hope so.
Burnt out kids
It started in 7th grade when I passed History and had to go to summer school anyway. Apparently I didn't pass by enough. Go figure! Well, I failed summer school...not because I failed the tests, but because I had to memorize the preamble to the constitution and some lines from the declaration of independence. I'm a monarchist prophetic, eh?
Well, I had a month of summer instead of two. See, every year I would think "Yep, this is the year where I'm not going to miss homework!". Well, a few months later I was already burnt out from having to go to school from 8:30 until 3 and having only 15 minutes to eat and 15 minutes to play. Oh, and being forced to play basketball twice a week, a game that I absolutely stunk at. Yep, no rest for the weary. So, thanks to all that, I actually failed. Another month gone from my vacation.
"Yay, highschool! Everything is going to be different!" I thought. was worse. We were told to spend at least two hours on homework. Glorious. I did pretty well until I started forgetting books because of all the homework. Then I just sorta gave up. Yep, more summer school. I had summer school for my 4 years in highschool. It was usually from 9-9:50 and 11-11:50 or something like that. It's really not fun having an hour "break". The heat really gets to the time I made over 300 paper airplanes or a skittles mosaic. I'm sure if I had a cup I would have measured how much sweat dripped off of my nose.
Anyway, all this homework really screwed me up. I got bad to mediocre grades because of homework. Sometimes I got good ones. Those classes usually counted homework as 5% of the grade. Some classes actually took a point off of the quarter grade.
So, two or more hours of homework with a 45 minute "break". No wonder I was always so chipper in the morning and didn't get addicted to that drug called coffee.
Yes, it's a vicious cycle for them too. They do all their homework well. They get to bed late because people do have lives (of course, teachers are either suffering from burnout themselves and don't care about other folks or they have no lives and forgot that other people do). They wake up tired and reach for that coffee. Get to school when the coffee is wearing off and are half tired the whole day. They can't pay attention. When they get home they have to review the lesson because they couldn't pay attention. Then they get older, have a massively receding hairline, and choose to have only one kid, if any, because they're too burnt out to deal with any silliness.
So, how do we solve this? Well, let teachers stop teaching while going to school for a master's degree (Catholic High school of course). Or better yet, don't waste any time! I can't count how much time things like classwork takes up. Homework is just basically classwork that they didn't get around to, so there's nothing wrong with classwork, but the time wasted in between waiting for everyone to be finished is laughable at best. So is the time used telling people to shut up, review time, waiting for the stragglers. Time used to make people come up to the board to either show off or embarrass a kid who made a dumb mistake.
Apparently, homework is to help students understand the lesson. Why make it mandatory then? Not everyone is going to understand it, but not everyone doesn't! Of course, they'll argue "If it is optional, then no one will do it!"
Of course, but that's their own problem. Schools are nanny state indoctrination camps. Everyone is equal, everyone has to do the same work, if there's a problem we'll take care of you, and we'll run your life. It even happens at neocon schools.
Us conservatives say that it isn't the school's job to probe into our problems. If we can't take care of something, we ought to ask or parents or someone we actually trust. Yeah, schools give you false trust.
I wouldn't worry too much about what schools teach as much as they teach indirectly. A good parent would raise their child to not totally trust the school. "The schools says contraceptives are cool and I think so too!" says the 11th grader. Who do we blame? The school, and not the parents for properly bringing them up.
The bigger threat is the school replacing the parent and acting like a friend. Schools ought to be viewed as a double edged sword. On one side they're useful, on the other they can wound you.
Schools sure love the cycle of burnt out kids, but they sure love the zombies even more.
Edit-What inspired this rant?
It's far better than what I wrote.
Monday, November 5, 2007
We can't have 50 laws regarding " "
Besides, murder laws are left up to the states...why would it be any different?
Guy Fawkes Day
I'm going to donate $17.93 cents one of these days. Vendee reference of course!
As for Guy Fawkes Day, I might blow up a speaker or cupcake or banana something with the word parliament on the side. Maybe not though. Long live the Pope, long live Guy Fawkes!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Non-political Sunday post!
Okay, with that out of the way, I get to go on about my incredibly boring life.
My terrain pieces are coming along pretty well. Unfortunately, the hill I'm making is very warped. I'll hot glue it to the board, but I hope it'll be possible by the time I get to it. I've been avoiding sculpting the rock since it's going to be a pain to do. I did paint a tree, and it looks pretty good. I also re-flocked my barrow with Green Glade. It looks absolutely amazing. I might make three more and arrange them like the barrow in Shadow of the Colossus. Of course, that means resculpting the one I have a bit, but I think it'll look even more impressive.
I'm also thinking of starting a new army. I'll probably start a second Bretonnian army, but that's a given. I was thinking Wood Elves since, ya know, they live inside Bretonnia. Then I realised they were pansies that frollicked in the forest. I might consider High Elves when the new models come out, or possibly the Papal States themed Empire army. Of course, the real possibility is just converting some Dwarves into Chaos Dwarves. Or maybe an army of goblins!
On the 40K side of things, I made some rubble out of keyboard keys and some defensive positions out of those cards that to get to add money to your phone. I also made an airbase/helipad out of a platter container. I'm going to build some space marines, paint them bronze, and glue them around it. I love making statue models. I'll probably go hunting for some mesh to texture the landing area. Anyway, the little defensive walls are going to go near the base.
I'll probably be picking up some textured paint while I'm at it. Well, I need to, otherwise it wouln't look very concrete-ish.
Gosh, there has to be more to my life than modelling. Oh, yes, mandolin. I'm going to order a blue one. I should probably get a regular colored one. Oh well!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
I love how its encouraged to give one liners.
I love how the clip fest the next day is more important than substance.
I love how the media manipulates clips.
Remember during a Fox debate when Ron Paul explained blowback and why 19 thugs attacked us? Well, Giuliani objected, probably still thinking that they hate our freedom. Then Ron Paul replied and blew Giuliani out of the water.
The next day on the news? They cut RP's reply. Looked like Giuliani did well. Yet there was no substance. Just more emotional manipulation.
And they claim to be as fair as possible? At least play the whole soundbite. Oh, a minute is too long, because you have to report on fat people getting cancer at least 5 times or that smoking is indeed bad, right? Give me a break.
They say you better listen to the voice of reason, but the don't give ou an choice 'cuz they think that it's treason.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Not so bad, right? Well, I've heard people say that about boxing, but they're never willing to step into the ring and see just how rough it is.
Seriously, if you support waterboarding and don't see anything wrong with it, go get waterboarded and tell me what you think.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Sup with Billo and Hannity?
Anyway, he said today that New York is a very liberal state. Yet if New York City broke away and became it's own state, New York State would be a red state. Not quite very liberal....
Earlier today Hannity went on about how Halloween is a liberal tool or something. Yep, "they teach our kids to beg for things for free!" Well, I'm paraphrasing, but that's pretty much dead on. Way to take something innocent (and nice) and pervert it, Jacobin!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
God debate
Expect plenty of arguments from authority, wishful thinking, ad hominems, strawman arguments, and other logical fallacies. Some from one side, some from the other, and some from both. Also expect some atheists to become more militant, some Christians to use whatever new argument comes up ad nauseam, and those of us who argue by basing our arguments on the great Saints and theologians' opinion and not some sola scriptura private interpretation heretic yahoo to be very embarrassed.
!!!Blame Ron Paul!!!
Then he went and said if Ron Paul ran for a third party, it would get Hillary elected. Funny stuff considering-
•Neocons like Hannity don't consider Paul a real Republican.
•A lot of his supporters aren't going to vote for the Republican if it isn't Ron Paul and end up voting third party.
•Some votes will go to Hillary since hes attracted some Democrats
If neocons are going to vote for anyone but Hillary, if Ron Paul is going to take votes away from her, if people who would have voted third party would vote for Ron, wouldn't he be the best choice?
Somehow, Ron Paul might just get the proverbial guillotine.
If it's a choice between a Jacobin (Rudy, Mitt, etc) or a more moderate Jacobin (Hillary, Obama, etc), give me Christ the King!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Ron Paul at the Fox debate
Well, there ya go, proof that Fox was up to no good. We're fully in the "fight" phase of that Gandhi quote. Here we go!
If Hillary wins...
Who are the poor jacobins going to blame?
The media? Probably. After all, every ill comes from the mainstream media. Well, that's what Fox tells me. Aren't they mainstream though? Yes, but they don't want to admit it. Just because they don't have a major network, but affiliates, doesn't mean a thing. If MSNBC is with their "horrible ratings" or CNN which they joke about "what channel is that on?" is mainstream, shouldn't the one that "dominates cable news" be mainstream. Of course not! The mainstream is our enemy and the cause of that evil devil Hillary winning! Give me a break! They're more mainstream than the other cable news networks because they have the better ratings. Of course, the mainstream media is going to be a possible cause.
Another one? Somehow Ron Paul. "He drove Republicans away!" Of course, all weak since he brought in potential Republicans, like myself. I'll stay around if he wins. If not, adieu voting! Well, until another good candidate comes.
The Christian Right? Ding ding! This is the most likely to happen. They are the neocons's Robespierre. Once a great hero to the "right", they're going to get guillotined. Not literally, of course! It won't be pretty, though. It's already happening with the threat of a third party. "If you go Hillary will win!"
Of course, it'll be anyone but themselves. They preach responsibility, but don't want to take it when they lose.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Yep, I missed two days of posting. Oh well!
I should be getting some Games Workshop stuff in the mail (paint, brushes, stuff to make terrain) soon.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
You know what I'm talking about..."3000 people died you -------!" or "It was a tragedy you son uv a-" or the best "My *relative* was a(n) *occupation* and died in those towers!"
Yet does this add to anything? Nah. In fact, it strengthens the truther's cause. What they're doing is called wishful thinking. Whether the government or 19 thugs did it wouldn't change the fact that 3000 people died, that is was a tragedy, or a relative died. It would be nicer to think that some nuts did it and not a government conspiracy.
The old saying "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" works with some minor changes. If you don't have anything logical to say, don't say anything at all.
No, I don't believe 9/11 was an inside job, but I do wonder about tower 7. I did see that PBS documentary where the guy said "pull it". As far as I know, that's the only thing I haven't had answered.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
They need to get rid of those flying whales though. I think it would be better to launch something off of an airplane. Better for the environment and a lot cooler looking too! Of course, I think NASA should be dropped by the government and let private companies do this.
This way, both the pro and anti-space exploration folks'll be happy.
Of course, the military should have a space force...and the airforce'll eventually come under the juristiction of the navy. Only after the Emperor comes around.
Oh gosh, Warhammer 40,000 references...
Monday, October 22, 2007
Post Debate Thoughts
Anyway, the debate was interesting. Not quite great like the FNC folks were saying, but still interesting. Ron Paul isn't on the end of the group anymore, which is good.
I hated the Rudy-Mitt-John-Fred love fest that went on in the beginning. Of course, I hate anything involving the popular warmongers.
My favorite part was the gay marriage amendment question to Ron Paul.
"You're not conservative! You voted against a marriage ammendment! Ha ha! Zing!"
"It's a religious thing, and the only reason the state got into that business was for heath reasons!"
Reverse zing! Ron Paul was booed a few times. Now that's interesting. Most of the folks there were Romneyites, so it makes sense. I wonder how many people listened to the boo's instead of what he said?
I think it was McCain that wanted to build the missile defense system in Eastern Europe, which probably is the sentiment of the other frontrunners. Too bad it breaks a treaty we had with the Russians. We break a treaty, and somehow they're the bad guys? Yeesh! McCain's "Lol wen I b lookin at Putin I b seein a Kay uh Gee an-a bee" was a bit repetitive. Yet more coldwar mentality. When I stopped being a neocon, I wondered about their mentality. Now it's coming true. I'm not prophet, anyone could have seen that coming from a mile away!
Finally, what's up with the Hillary=Ron because of the war? They're completely different. Actually, when it's election time, I bet Hillary is going to become less lefty, and Rudy less righty. Then what's the difference? More smearing by FNC, but it's okay because it was in the form of a question HA-HA!
Afterwards, they had their little "spin room" thing. They sure spun Ron Paul winning the text votes. I thought I'd never type this, but Viva Colmes! At least he has one advocate on that evil channel. Stacking the votes...haha!
Well, at least Hannity was a bit nicer to him to his face. He asked if he would endorse the Republican. He said no. Then I think he asked if he would endorse the Libertarian. Best answer given in this spin room episode-maybe. That's right, there's no groupthink in every party.
Calm down, calm down. Yes, there is groupthink in the Republican Party...her name is Hillary. "Vote for the Republican, or else Hillary will win!"
The sad thing is...Hillary would be better than Rudy, Mitt, Fred, or John.
And I'm actually as conservative as they come...
Edit-I forgot that Rudy said Marriage was not just a Religious institution, but a civil one as well. This guy calls himself a Catholic and writes it off as being bad at it? Being bad at it would be falling into the same sins, not totally disagreeing with common Church sense. The differences between Rudy and Henry VIII are slowly eroding.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
¡Viva españa! ¡Arriba españa!
The song isn't to Franco, but the Falange.Rallies banned at Franco's mausoleum
Paul Hamilos in Madrid
Thursday October 18, 2007
Guardian Unlimited
The basilica in which General Franco is buried will no longer be used to
hold political rallies in celebration of Spain's former dictator, according to a
new law to be voted on at the end of the month.
The foundation that runs the
Valley of the Fallen, a vast memorial to Franco topped with a giant cross
visible for miles around, will also have to provide information on "all of those
who died during the civil war and who suffered repression", not just the victims
of the republicans.
The Valley of the Fallen, in the Guadarrama valley north-west of Madrid,
remains a shrine for the small band of followers who still openly support
Franco. But if the new law is passed, they will no longer be permitted to meet
there on the anniversary of his death, when they gather to sing "Cara al Sol",
or "Face to the Sun", the anthem to Franco.
Between 1940 and 1958,
republican prisoners were forced to build the mausoleum under Franco's orders,
and the underground crypt was declared a basilica by Pope John XXIII in 1960.
The change in status of the Valley of the Fallen is one of a number of
amendments made today to the historical memory law, one of the most
controversial pieces of legislation in Spain's 30 years of democracy.
proposed by the Socialist government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero last year,
the law has been fiercely opposed by the conservative People's party (PP). In a
surprise move yesterday, The PP supported the amendment on Franco's mausoleum,
but continued to express their opposition to the law. The PP's general
secretary, Angel Acebes, described it as the result of a process intended to
"divide rather than unite the people of Spain".
It was also announced that
the grandchildren of those who were forced into exile, or chose to leave Spain
during the dictatorship, will be able to apply for Spanish nationality. Until
now only those whose parents were born in Spain could apply for citizenship.
According to the governing PSOE, this amendment will affect around 1 million
people, who will have a two-year period from 2009 within which to apply.
Last week it was confirmed that Spain would ban all public references to the
Franco regime, with all statues, street names and symbols associated with the
dictator to be removed. Those churches which still have plaques commemorating
Franco and the victims of his republican opponents risk losing state aid if the
refuse to remove them.
· This article was amended on Friday October 19 2007.
Pope John XXIII rather than Pope John Paul XXIII was Pope in 1960. This has been
Nonetheless, the communists have regained control, and it's about time there's another revolution led by another Generalissimo! Let's hope Catholicism will overcome Communism once again.
¡Viva españa! ¡Arriba españa!

Ron Paul's a pinhead?
O'Reilly said he doesn't want a history lesson. Is it possible to answer a question about Iran without a history lesson? No, it solidifies a "no". O'Reilly is just a browbeater, like Chris Matthews used to be.
O'Reilly really needs a Zell Miller.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Priests arrested
To anyone who says waterboarding isn't torture-get waterboarded yourself and report your conclusions to me.
People can get their children taken away for psychological abuse, but it's cool for the government to do it to extract information. Makes sense to me!
There are better ways to get information. During World War II, soldiers would play cards with prisoners and they got information pretty well. "But what about the extremism!" Well, Americans aren't as attached to their land as Europeans are (or were), so betraying their homeland would be almost like betraying their God.
Maybe we could even win a few of the bad guys over. Get out of everyone's business and stop supporting Israel so much. And maybe even stop abusing them...there's no way we can make them change their mind by having their minds perceive death.
Not everyone worships Aries...
On a lighter note, because laughter is a good sign that things aren't so bad in the world, a joke that's sorta related:
A man walked up to a Franciscan and Jesuit and asked, "How many novenas must you say to get a Mercedes Benz?"
The Franciscan asked, "What's a Mercedes Benz?"
The Jesuit asked, "What's a novena?"
Will history repeat itself?
Ike was a leader who could say no. He was what we needed after the disastrous tenure of Harry Truman, who had left office with an approval rate of 23 percent.
Bush is going to leave office with low approval rates, and Ron Paul is known as Dr. No. Hopefully this is a pretty good indicator of what will happen.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Oh dear, even more of a reason to fear Doctors
Shame that doctors are doing that now. I don't know if it happens in New York, but it never happened to me since my mom was always in the doctor's office with me. Of course, the idiots I went to always managed to mess everything up or insult me (no, I never realized I wasn't healthy, thanks for pointing that out!), but never grilled me about my personal life. Well, there was the one lady I almost got into an argument with over whether I walk or not. Yep, folks from Manhattan walk everywhere, but you kind of have to do it too if no one in your house has a driver's license or a working car. Yet I digress.
When I was little, if someone asked me if anyone ever made me feel uncomfortable, I would have never thought about it in a sexual abuse sort of way, but in a comfort type of way. It's a bit silly to use that kind of terminology with a 13-year-old though. They know what sexual abuse is.
Is there some law that says it's illegal to own a gun? There's no reason to file a police report. If I'm blessed enough to have kids one day, and they're asked if I have a weapon, I hope they tell them I have a Star Destroyer in the garage. Of course, if I had my way, that wouldn't be a lie!
Let's just hope by the time that happens, I don't have that Chainsword I'm trying to build anymore....
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The Bush Administration Are Big Babies
They're willing to attack countries that sponsor terrorism, but they don't want Turkey to defend itself against the Kurds since it would make Iraq look even more messed up.
They get angry when Chavez called Bush the devil, but it's a-ok to stick it to the Chinese by attending the Dalai Lama's Congressional Gold Metal ceremony.
It's fine and dandy for Israel to attack military installations, but if someone attacked our's, fecal matter would hit the fan.
And of course, it's awesome to hurt citizens with embargoes, but we topple a regime if they're killing their own people.
Childish? I think so.
By giving the Dalai Lama the Congressional Gold Medal, the government is using American's tax dollars to "attack" China. What did he do to deserve the honor anyway? Tick the Chinese off? Better give Bush the Medal of Honor since he's gone beyond that and ticked the whole world off.
And why don't they want Turkey to protect it's borders? Obviously because they don't care about our own borders and don't want to seem worse than Turkey.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Don't Mess With Us; Kudos to FBC
John Harwood said
"Ron Paul dominated the debate, and some of my colleagues at CNBC thought that there was something wrong with that and they took the poll down. I want to tell you, my email box, thousands and thousands and thousands of email, like I haven't seen from any other -- you know,followers of Chris Dodd or Bill Richardson or Joe Biden."
I also caught a Ron Paul interview of Fox Business Channel. Kudos to the male host for being very respectful, and maybe even delighted! The female was a bit more FNCish towards him. Sidenote, I could have swore her accent kept switching from southern to none. I might just write them a nice email, and maybe even watch their show. Maybe not, though. If they end up being neoconish, I'll be a sad lad.
Money and Politics-Third Quarter Numbers
Oh, and who had the most donations from the military? Click here to find out the amazing numbers!
Bring them home, baby! From Iraq, to Germany, to Korea, and everywhere our troops are stationed.
O'Reilly the Heretic, part II
He still never apologized for his implied support of birth control.
O'Reilly did make a pretty good point though. He said that the Church didn't condemn them. What O'Reilly doesn't know is the majority of the USCCB is almost schismatic. Emphasis on almost. There's a few good men, and quite a number of them are well intentioned and have been tricked by the bad ones. This is why we have to pray for them.
Will the Pope say anything about it? It wouldn't surprise me if he didn't. He knows how it is over there, he knows that it's not Catholicism anymore.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Ron Paul Astroturfing? And CNBC vs. Paul
"Unlike genuine grassroots activism which tends to be money-poor but people-rich, astroturf campaigns are typically people-poor but cash-rich. Funded heavily by corporate largesse, they use sophisticated computer databases, telephone banks and hired organizers to rope less-informed activists into sending letters to their elected officials or engaging in other actions that create the appearance of grassroots support for their client's cause."Okay, we're not going to use the term literally. CNBC pulled their poll because their numbers didn't match the national numbers. Was it astroturfing? Probably not since it wasn't possible to vote more than once. Remember when Hannity said it was just Paulites "spamming" the text message vote? Well, it wasn't possible to vote more than once.
Maybe the polls are a bit skewed, but that's the others' fault. What's so exciting about them? "More dead people and more government control although less than the democrats"? Only the most committed neocons can get excited about that.
Who is astroturfing? Anyone who brings in low numbers at rallies, like Fred Thompson and John McCain.
Speaking of CNBC, lookie at what I found.
"He lacks the support needed to win the GOP nomination, and would even if the media covered him as heavily as we cover Rudy Giuliani. Why? Because Paul's views--respectable, well-articulated and sincerely held as they are--are plainly out of step with the mainstream sentiment of the party he is running in."
Uh, what? His views are similar to Pat Buchanan. Yes, Pat didn't win the nomination, but he did well considering he was "out of step with the party he [was] running in". Rudy's views aren't quite mainstream if we're to believe that 25% of the party is the Christian Right. What he doesn't want to admit is that the media anoints frontrunners. Name recognition didn't matter to Mitt Romney, he was still the media's darling. And why is that? To make for good TV. Forget any sort of political bias, if the majority of the people were behind the president, they would have to report on some celebrities a lot more often! I doubt they would mind too much.
And how did he raise almost half as much as Mitt and Rudy(subtracting Mitt's own "donation" to himself)? Sure, there's a number of non-Republicans donating, but who's to say they're not going to join and stay like I will if Dr. Paul wins?
There are plenty of ex-Republicans, and those people are the ones who share Ron Paul's views. Most Libertarians are ex-Republicans too. He may not be a neocon, but if the GOP wasn't taken over by the Neocons, CNBC would need a new excuse.
Rudy has the Catholic vote?
Oh well, let's fight for the Reign of Christ the King and against these virtual apostates. Of course, pro-lifers want the federal government to outlaw abortion. Doesn't this imply that abortion isn't murder though? Murder laws are always left to the states. Just petition your local government, you'll have more success in the local levels. Petition the federal government to follow the Just War Theory strictly. That's something they actually have the authority to do!
Pray for the end of abortion, and pray that it will be left to the states where we can actually get something done!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Joseph e Chico
Chico the cat tells pope's life story By ALESSANDRA RIZZO, Associated Press Writer Thu Oct 4, 1:32 PM ET
ROME - The story of Pope Benedict XVI's life — from his birth in Germany to his election as pontiff — is told through the eyes of a tabby cat called Chico in a new children's book.
In "Joseph and Chico: A Cat Recounts the Life of Pope Benedict XVI," the orange tabby cat tells readers the pope is "my dearest friend, a wonderful man with whom I've spent many happy moments."
He recounts Benedict's childhood and his passion for reading and playing the piano. The books depicts the future pope's early steps in the Catholic Church, from when he entered a seminary in 1939 to his ordination as a priest in 1951.
The book will hit Italian bookstores on Monday.
The feline narrator is inspired by a real orange tabby cat in Pentling — the German town where the pope, then Joseph Ratzinger, lived for a period before moving to Rome in 1981 — that belonged to the family next door.
"I can assure you that what you will find in this book ... is all true and interesting," Benedict's secretary, Monsignor Georg Gaenswein, says in the preface of the book.
The 44-page book also touches on the Nazi era, when a teenaged Ratzinger enrolled in the Hitler Youth. "In that period, Joseph was forced to do something that absolutely went against his will: enroll in the Army and leave for war," it says.
The pope eventually deserted without seeing combat and was taken prisoner by U.S. forces before being released several weeks later.
The biography ends with Pope John Paul II's funeral and Benedict's election to the pontificate on in April 2005. "Now Joseph Ratzinger is not only my friend, but the great friend and leader of all Catholics," Chico says.
Benedict is known to like cats. Before he became pope, he looked after stray cats in his old neighborhood near the Vatican.
The book, written in Italian by Jeanne Perego and illustrated by Donata Dal Molin Casagrande, will go on sale Monday, publishing house Edizioni Messaggero Padova said. The publisher will negotiate international rights at the Frankfurt Book Fair next week.