Friday, November 30, 2007

Mon Dieu, MSM!

My God! I never really bought into media bias that much before I supported Ron Paul. They ignore the man, and when they don't, they ridicule him. They attack him. They give him bad questions.
He mentions cutting the IRS, he's a kook. Huckster does and the people cheer and he's a winner. He wants to actually cut taxes by cutting programs, they say he's an extremist. Everyone else says they want to cut taxes while somehow maintaining the Empire and ignoring the paradox, they report it as possible. They don't press Hillary on how she's going to balance the budget while expanding the bureaucracy (I bet it involves making more money).
It's wrong that a brothel owner supports him, but it's not wrong that Rupert Murdoch supports Hillary? It's cool that an old meme and Ric Flair supports him, but they don't say Val Venis or Kane does? Oh, of course...the only people that support Ron Paul are anarchists, libertarians, white supremacists, terrorists, prostitutes, and all kind of fringe kooks.
They air Romney and Giuliani fighting like two little kids that have crushes on eachother. They air when people slap Ron down and he's not allowed to reply. They don't air when he shoots down the Neocons.
The ultimate knife in the American people's back? Hailing Mike Huckabee as the great winner of the debate! No, he didn't win. He showed himself as a tax lovin' liberal. Chris Matthews did make a good point, though. The questions he "hit out of the park" were inappropriate.
In all honesty, no one really won. Not even Ron. Yeah, I said that because he didn't get enough questions. He did a great job defending himself, though. There were clear losers.
Romney lost on the immigration lovefest at the beginning and over the CS navy jack question. Thompson lost on the government program cutting question. McCain lost with his failed attack on Dr. Paul. The audience lost because they booed the golden rule and the Sermon on the Mount. Blessed are the peacemakers (though they might have heard the Cheesemakers)
Check the results in the media. How do they choose the winner? Well, whoever happened to tell the best jokes, and to a lesser extent, whoever spoke the best.

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