Saturday, December 8, 2007

A Letter to Reactionary Traditional Catholics

There are a lot of good Catholics out there, so this letter, that no one is likely to read, isn't geared towards you.
To those unsavory ones who poison the faith and "movement" for the rest of us, shame on you. Feminism is not the biggest problem to arise since the plague. You were likely raised in WASP America and born after or not too long before the Council. You see the evils in the world and react against them. Most react appropriately and call a spade a spade. Others call the spade a weapon of mass destruction and act accordingly.
Radical feminism ought to be fought, but feminism itself is not a bad thing. We should remember that in Protestant nations women were held back, In Catholic ones, they were much more free. The United States is a protestant nation and women were more oppressed than they were in Catholic nations (thanks to Puritanism).
You fight it by saying women should not go to universities. You say that women shouldn't wear pants no matter what. If that's your opinion and how you live your life, fine. Never ever tell others who do wear pants or go to universities to stop. That isn't your right. It is not sinful. There is a distinct difference between women pants and men pants. I challenge you to buy a pair of feminine pants, go into a dressing room, and try them on. If there's no such thing as feminine pants, you shouldn't object. If you won't for thesake of modesty, buy them and try it on at home. No one is going to see you.
The moment you start harrassing women who do things you don't approve of and the Church allows, you became the very thing you hate. There's not much of a difference between radical feminists and radical tradidionalists.
Like I said, if you want to wear dresses exclusively, be my guest...just don't force others to wear them.
Beyond this, I'm sickened with the extremists' attitude towards women. As women, they deserve respect even if they refuse to act like it. Let's say you treat a masculine female horribly. Are you going to treat an effeminate man like you would a female? Of course not! The logic just doesn't work out.
You view the world and reject the little good and cling to what you think is good. The only reactionaries like yourself are anti-Catholic Fundamentalist Protestants. Why read books written by protestants and not Novus Ordo Priests? In your opinion, aren't they pretty much on the same level? If you can weed out the bad from the good, why can't you with modern Catholic books?
We don't have many good Catholic examples in this country, so we subconsciously look up to those who also hate modern society. As a result, a subset of traditionalists who think it's their right to force their views of morality where the Church allows us to choose on fellow Catholics.
Who knows how many tradition loving Novus Ordo Mass goers are turned off by the whole "feminist" issue?
While I think homeschooling is best for a child, I do realize that some Catholic women can't do it and it's their right to raise their children however they want as long as it isn't against any Church teachings or dangerous to their faith.
I never hear any women who wear pants, send their kids to school, or anything else you reactionary radicals happen to believe in acct the same way towards you. I never once read a traditional Catholic woman say to another "Yeah, you should really get rid of the dress and wear pants. You're in an occasion of sin-pride" or "You really should send your kids off to school they're going to be dumb!"
No, I never did read it. Wearing dresses exclusively is not going to cause most people to be proud. Wearing pants aren't going to turn them into raging radical feminists. Most homeschoolers are smart, and so are most trad kids who went to school. It has more to do on how they're raised.
So please, before you start declaring things ex-cathedra from your armchair, remember that the Church never officially taught that women pants are sinful. You wouldn't like it if someone incaded your house and told you what to do. Not all pantswearers are raging feminists, especially traditional women.
As a result of these obervations, I am officially announcing that I am going to attend "Indult" and NO Masses exclusively since the types I'm talking about tend to dislike those two groups and avoids them.

To anyone that misinterpreted this-This is not targeted to everyone that wears dresses exclusively. This is targeted at people who feel the need to be a pope from their computer chair and try to speak infallibly on matters not defined by the Church. This is targeted at men who claim to act like men but don't respect all women no matter what they happen to be wearing.

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