Thursday, December 20, 2007

Time's Person of the Year

Good for Putin!
All the Neocons whine that Petraeus didn't get it and that they gave it to an evil Tyrant. Let's just see why Putin is so evil:
-He keeps down the opposition
-He threatens the US
-He controls the media

What about Bush and the establishment?
-Keeps down the opposition
-Threatens anyone they don't like
-Influences the media

"What?! How dare you compare Bush to him! Have respect for the president!"

-Putin pretty much keeps down the third parties. The Republican-Democrat establishment does too. Remember in 2004 when Michael Badnarik and David Cobb wanted to participate in the Bush-Kerry debate? Yeah.
-Bush threatens Iran and any nation that won't submit to the Hegemon. Democrats threaten going into Darfur, and the big ones want to have a continuing presence in Iraq. Putin? He "threatens" us because Russia is still quite a power and they're standing against the Neocons.
-Yep, both parties influence the media. From the New York Times having to take the Bush Administration's link to the CIA tape burning away to the Liberal Media Bias. Yes even Fox and Radio. Neocons are liberals.

So good for Putin.

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