Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Pledge of Allegiance

The moment I realised what the pledge meant, I stopped saying it. It isn't the fact that I would be pledging my allegiance to a republic, but an historically protestant one. I could possibly pledge my allegiance to a Catholic Republic.
It isn't the under God part, but the part directly after it that makes it intolerable. I refuse to submit to the idea that Lincoln's tyranny was a good thing. The United States should be just that, States that Unite to make the country. If they choose to no longer be united, that is their right! The nation is not indivisible.
Oh, and here's a good one for anyone who's bothered by the Pledge of Allegiance's addition of "under God". If you want to return to the pre-1954 version, why not return to the pre-1923 version? Heck, return to the original version! While we're at it, why bother with the hand over the heart thing? Why not the Bellamy Salute? Hey, we're returning to the pre-1954 pledge after all!

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