Monday, December 17, 2007

Haven't posted for a while

Sorry! Here we go:
Iowa debate was hilarious. Not because of Alan Keyes, but because of the global warming question. Not Fred's comment, but the fact the other "front runners" raised their hands. Yes, even Romney who flip flopped then and there. One minute raising, the next cheering Fred's "defiance".
Teaparty rocked. $6.04 Million. I predicted $6,000,000. Close enough for me that I'll call it accurate. If Ron Paul wins the nomination, I'll be right yet again. I said Bush was going to win in 2000, I said Kerry was going to get the nomination in 2004, said Bush was going to win in 2004.
Not much tea party coverage though. I bet if Huckabee broke the fundraising record they would report on it. The tickers and media (aside from Tucker Carlson)reported it as 5.4 Million or so. Hell, know who had the best week in the Hardball Power Ranking? Huckabee. Why? He insulted Bush and put a Christmas Ad out. Guess who else put one out? This is not fair at all. Not at all. I understand not reporting on Ron Paul normally. That's just the vicious media-consumer cycle. The fact that a 234,735,523,936th tier candidate (in their eyes) broke the fundraising record should be reported on more! At least recognized in those power rankings!

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