Saturday, December 1, 2007

Ban salt!

First, let me say this. I'm overweight and I laugh at the term weightist and mock the fat rights groups. Let people discriminate over something that can be changed for all I care. Perhaps I don't eat healthily, but one thing is for sure. Downing lithium soup is healthier than letting the government step in and be our personal trainers.
I was outraged over the banning of transfats. I have friends that said it wasn't that bad since transfats are really bad for your body. Like everything that won't instantly kill you, the trick is moderation. If I ate McDonalds french fries 1-4 times per year (sounds about right for me; maybe I have it 5 or 6 times some years), it's not going to kill me. Just like cigarettes. If I smoked one per day (and it is possible if you avoid all the things that can make it a habit), I certainly wouldn't be hurt. Maybe not as healthy as the non-smoker when I'm 70, but at that point I won't need to run around.
So banning things because it's bad if you have it too much is just stupid. Now, the government wants to regulate (get ready for this one) salt! Yes, nothing is safe. Next, tobacco will be outlawed; especially if Huckabee wins.
If there wasn't a reason to get rid of the Department of Education, this should give one. I bet they'll teach how to put salt on food and to turn in anyone that uses too much. Tasty!
And what's the ultimate outrage? The Surgeon General wants a skinnier Santa because kids should look up to people who are in shape. God help us all if a kid happens to look up to his overweight dad! Nope, that would be wrong. They should look up to athletes!

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