Thursday, December 20, 2007

Time's Person of the Year

Good for Putin!
All the Neocons whine that Petraeus didn't get it and that they gave it to an evil Tyrant. Let's just see why Putin is so evil:
-He keeps down the opposition
-He threatens the US
-He controls the media

What about Bush and the establishment?
-Keeps down the opposition
-Threatens anyone they don't like
-Influences the media

"What?! How dare you compare Bush to him! Have respect for the president!"

-Putin pretty much keeps down the third parties. The Republican-Democrat establishment does too. Remember in 2004 when Michael Badnarik and David Cobb wanted to participate in the Bush-Kerry debate? Yeah.
-Bush threatens Iran and any nation that won't submit to the Hegemon. Democrats threaten going into Darfur, and the big ones want to have a continuing presence in Iraq. Putin? He "threatens" us because Russia is still quite a power and they're standing against the Neocons.
-Yep, both parties influence the media. From the New York Times having to take the Bush Administration's link to the CIA tape burning away to the Liberal Media Bias. Yes even Fox and Radio. Neocons are liberals.

So good for Putin.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Haven't posted for a while

Sorry! Here we go:
Iowa debate was hilarious. Not because of Alan Keyes, but because of the global warming question. Not Fred's comment, but the fact the other "front runners" raised their hands. Yes, even Romney who flip flopped then and there. One minute raising, the next cheering Fred's "defiance".
Teaparty rocked. $6.04 Million. I predicted $6,000,000. Close enough for me that I'll call it accurate. If Ron Paul wins the nomination, I'll be right yet again. I said Bush was going to win in 2000, I said Kerry was going to get the nomination in 2004, said Bush was going to win in 2004.
Not much tea party coverage though. I bet if Huckabee broke the fundraising record they would report on it. The tickers and media (aside from Tucker Carlson)reported it as 5.4 Million or so. Hell, know who had the best week in the Hardball Power Ranking? Huckabee. Why? He insulted Bush and put a Christmas Ad out. Guess who else put one out? This is not fair at all. Not at all. I understand not reporting on Ron Paul normally. That's just the vicious media-consumer cycle. The fact that a 234,735,523,936th tier candidate (in their eyes) broke the fundraising record should be reported on more! At least recognized in those power rankings!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Holiday Tree

Just saw on Fox news that WI (I think) is having a debate on whether or not to call the tree in the State Capital a "Christmas Tree" or a "Holiday Tree".
Some lady said it can't be a Christmas tree because (paraphrasing) "Christmas...Christ's Mass!" I would reply (not paraphrasing, though I wouldn't censor myself) "Holiday...Holy Day...HOLY S---!"

Monday, December 10, 2007

Hunter dodges, Romney lies, Thompson cries fascist, Paul rocks

The question was about a large majority of Hispanics wanting to get out of Iraq. Duncan hunter said that the hispanic troops don't. Apparently they're far more important than us silly citizens!

Romney on why we have to stay in Iraq-We've been there for a while. It's about human lives!
And somehow being in Iraq makes us safer.

Thompson said "Islamic fascists" declared war on us. Just because we call the bad guys fascists doesn't mean they actually are.

Ron Paul connected Vietnam and the draft to Iraq rather well.

On the Chavez Question...

Giuliani makes a joke about how he'll treat Chavez ("I actually agree with the way King Juan Carlos spoke to Chavez") and then attacks Ron Paul ("That would be the way I would do it. Far better than what Congressman Paul wants to do.")
He's either trying to get support by smacking the "little" guy around or he's very nervous about his gains.
By the way, I like the idea of trying to be a peacemaker instead of telling someone to shut up just because we don't like him. The ifference between Rudy and the the King saying that? Juan Carlos had a good reason to.

Univision Debate

They had an english translation on CC3...the TV downstairs only goes up to CC2. I tried to translate the closed captions the best I could. I gave up after I said "Okay, he said something about illegal immigrants, pedophiles, and coca cola."
Anyway, there's the transcript. I'll be looking through it later, but at Lew Rockwell's site they're saying Ron Paull was the only one to tell it like it is.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Fox Smears

They had a segment about a guy that covered his car in Ron Paul stickers. In the begining they had a prostitute say "this is the room I'm prostituing for Paul in."
Completely unfair since it had nothing to do with the story!

Violent Video Games

More Fox goodness!
They reported on an attempted violent video game ban in California or something like that.
My take-
I. Violent video games aren't going to make killers
II. They'll attract killers and violent people, but may act as a deterrent
III. Parents are putting the blame on video games trying to excuse either their horrid parenting skills or the fact that their child is insane.

The third point brins us back to our Puritanical American Values. "Gah! No way little Eeyore was depressed. No way! That would mean our genes aren't perfect!!!!" And, of course, we learn the "I can't do any wrong!" mindset from our government and false sense of patriotism.

NBC, you're traitors

Freedom's Watch isn't about the troops, but the neoconservative agenda. Their ads are full of emotional appeals. I just saw on Fox and Friends that NBC is going to play those neocon ads.

"I lost two family members to Al Qaeda -- my uncle, a firefighter, on 9/11, and my husband, Travis, in Iraq. Congress did the right thing, voting to defeat terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan. Switching their votes now, for political reasons, it will mean more attacks in America."-Iraq War Widow
I lost two family members, therefore we should stay. More attacks in America, therefore we should 'poke the hornet's nest'.
I think we ought to swallow our pride. Let them "die in vain", with neocon wars every death is a vain death! Instead of defending our dwindling honor and falling position in the world, why don't we act truly pro-life and just get out? A massacre is going to happen, but there's already one. We can't afford to stay there for 50 or more years. It's going to happen no matter how long we're there. The only difference is how many of our soldiers are going to die. The longer we're there, the worse the massacre is going to be whether it's a million dead in a year or a million dead in ten years+750,000 dead the year we leave.

"They attacked us, and they will again. They won't stop in Iraq."-Iraq War Veteran
They won't stop in Iraq, therefore, we must attack other nations we deem are aiding terrorists? Sorry for the possible straw man, but I can't think of any other way of interpreting that.

The Pledge of Allegiance

The moment I realised what the pledge meant, I stopped saying it. It isn't the fact that I would be pledging my allegiance to a republic, but an historically protestant one. I could possibly pledge my allegiance to a Catholic Republic.
It isn't the under God part, but the part directly after it that makes it intolerable. I refuse to submit to the idea that Lincoln's tyranny was a good thing. The United States should be just that, States that Unite to make the country. If they choose to no longer be united, that is their right! The nation is not indivisible.
Oh, and here's a good one for anyone who's bothered by the Pledge of Allegiance's addition of "under God". If you want to return to the pre-1954 version, why not return to the pre-1923 version? Heck, return to the original version! While we're at it, why bother with the hand over the heart thing? Why not the Bellamy Salute? Hey, we're returning to the pre-1954 pledge after all!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

A Letter to Reactionary Traditional Catholics

There are a lot of good Catholics out there, so this letter, that no one is likely to read, isn't geared towards you.
To those unsavory ones who poison the faith and "movement" for the rest of us, shame on you. Feminism is not the biggest problem to arise since the plague. You were likely raised in WASP America and born after or not too long before the Council. You see the evils in the world and react against them. Most react appropriately and call a spade a spade. Others call the spade a weapon of mass destruction and act accordingly.
Radical feminism ought to be fought, but feminism itself is not a bad thing. We should remember that in Protestant nations women were held back, In Catholic ones, they were much more free. The United States is a protestant nation and women were more oppressed than they were in Catholic nations (thanks to Puritanism).
You fight it by saying women should not go to universities. You say that women shouldn't wear pants no matter what. If that's your opinion and how you live your life, fine. Never ever tell others who do wear pants or go to universities to stop. That isn't your right. It is not sinful. There is a distinct difference between women pants and men pants. I challenge you to buy a pair of feminine pants, go into a dressing room, and try them on. If there's no such thing as feminine pants, you shouldn't object. If you won't for thesake of modesty, buy them and try it on at home. No one is going to see you.
The moment you start harrassing women who do things you don't approve of and the Church allows, you became the very thing you hate. There's not much of a difference between radical feminists and radical tradidionalists.
Like I said, if you want to wear dresses exclusively, be my guest...just don't force others to wear them.
Beyond this, I'm sickened with the extremists' attitude towards women. As women, they deserve respect even if they refuse to act like it. Let's say you treat a masculine female horribly. Are you going to treat an effeminate man like you would a female? Of course not! The logic just doesn't work out.
You view the world and reject the little good and cling to what you think is good. The only reactionaries like yourself are anti-Catholic Fundamentalist Protestants. Why read books written by protestants and not Novus Ordo Priests? In your opinion, aren't they pretty much on the same level? If you can weed out the bad from the good, why can't you with modern Catholic books?
We don't have many good Catholic examples in this country, so we subconsciously look up to those who also hate modern society. As a result, a subset of traditionalists who think it's their right to force their views of morality where the Church allows us to choose on fellow Catholics.
Who knows how many tradition loving Novus Ordo Mass goers are turned off by the whole "feminist" issue?
While I think homeschooling is best for a child, I do realize that some Catholic women can't do it and it's their right to raise their children however they want as long as it isn't against any Church teachings or dangerous to their faith.
I never hear any women who wear pants, send their kids to school, or anything else you reactionary radicals happen to believe in acct the same way towards you. I never once read a traditional Catholic woman say to another "Yeah, you should really get rid of the dress and wear pants. You're in an occasion of sin-pride" or "You really should send your kids off to school they're going to be dumb!"
No, I never did read it. Wearing dresses exclusively is not going to cause most people to be proud. Wearing pants aren't going to turn them into raging radical feminists. Most homeschoolers are smart, and so are most trad kids who went to school. It has more to do on how they're raised.
So please, before you start declaring things ex-cathedra from your armchair, remember that the Church never officially taught that women pants are sinful. You wouldn't like it if someone incaded your house and told you what to do. Not all pantswearers are raging feminists, especially traditional women.
As a result of these obervations, I am officially announcing that I am going to attend "Indult" and NO Masses exclusively since the types I'm talking about tend to dislike those two groups and avoids them.

To anyone that misinterpreted this-This is not targeted to everyone that wears dresses exclusively. This is targeted at people who feel the need to be a pope from their computer chair and try to speak infallibly on matters not defined by the Church. This is targeted at men who claim to act like men but don't respect all women no matter what they happen to be wearing.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Fox advocates violence...again and again and again!

The idiots over at Fox played a clip of a guy getting beaten by cops after they "caught up to him".
See, no matter how fast I drive on the wrong side of the highway (like they guy on Fox said he heard he did) if I turn around, put my hands up, and jump into some shrubs I'd expect to be cuffed.No, the first cop punched the guy after he gave up, then and then another cop jumped in and joined in. And then more joined in.
The guy clearly gave up. It's the officer's job to arrest the guy. It's the judge's job to bring justice to the criminal.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Hannity's Americanism is showing

He just said it was wrong for the clergy to refuse people communion for political positions. I knew Romney's speech would do this. The Media is truly the devil's tool. Without them having to report on something they artificially made juicy, we wouldn't have to hear this crap.
Pray for this misguided man.

Feast Day of St. Nicholas

Remeber, santa may have given out gifts, he also punched Arius out.
You better watch out! You better be nice, or else!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Computer Sins

I've been a member of a trad Cat message board (when it was more Hobbitty and friendly) and lurked around others. Occasionally a thread about whether downloading music is a sin or not will come around.
Overlooked is whether hotlinking is a sin or not. Obviously it is if downloding music is a sin. Why? It steals bandwidth and money from the host website. Always right click and click on properties.

The rEVOLution!!!!

They rebelled at the GOP Straw Poll in SF! Let it be a message to these big government neocon jerks, we're not gonna take it anymore!
Video 1-"He can say a few words on behalf of Ron Paul" even though the Fred Thompson lovefest went on for 90 minutes?

Video 2-Longer

Down with the endless warfare/welfare state!

Abortion quiz-And to think, I hate legal matters
You got 9 out of the 12 questions correct for a 75%. Roe IQ Test.
-->That result puts you in the 71st percentile when compared to everyone who has taken the test.

I got the question about how many were performed, the Supreme Court Justice quote, and which country it's easiest to have one in wrong.
How I knew about the law itself but not the details is kind of frightening. Like I said, I hate legal matters!

Them wacky muslims and their kooky laws

Why all the outrage and nothing at all about this?
(I wanted to blog on this, but I couldn't log in when I first read about it and when I finally could there were other things that got me worked up to write about)

If Ron Paul doesn't get the nomination...

I might very well vote for the Democrat if it isn't Obama, Clinton, or Edwards. Let's face it, no other candidate is going to do anything about abortion even if they promise why not try to stop even more nonsensical killing by ending aggressive wars?
Of course, if one of those three do win, I'll abstain from voting since there's not even one redeeming quality about them.
Yeah, there's third parties and there's two that I really like. The system is corrupt and ends up working against what we're taught this country stands for.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Rosary and Christmas Tree

My mom found my rosary beads in the couch today. Apparently, my grandma found them and was going to give them back but dropped it or something. Pretty glad I finally have a good set. I think I got them for my first communion.
The decorations are almost all up on the tree. I totally forgot about the awesome ornament I got from my parish about 8 years ago.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Since Christmas is creeping eve so closely...

Christmas in Fallujah

"We are the armies of the empire, we are the legionnaires of Rome. It's Christmas in Fallujah and we ain't never comin' home!"
I think I figured out my next rotoscope project. I won't start today since I have some decorations to put up, but I will as soon as I wake up!
To see my other ones (and pictures of clouds and fungi) click here.

Don't get off oil!

If we do, we'll end up attacking Saudi Arabia. I'd rather live in a Mad Max world than a world where the entire Middle East rises up against the American Hegemony.
Just imagine if the US decided to bomb the Vatican.
Aw shucks, it did kind of happen during WWII. Nevermind then!
Ven. Pius XII, Bl. Karl, pray for us!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Ban salt!

First, let me say this. I'm overweight and I laugh at the term weightist and mock the fat rights groups. Let people discriminate over something that can be changed for all I care. Perhaps I don't eat healthily, but one thing is for sure. Downing lithium soup is healthier than letting the government step in and be our personal trainers.
I was outraged over the banning of transfats. I have friends that said it wasn't that bad since transfats are really bad for your body. Like everything that won't instantly kill you, the trick is moderation. If I ate McDonalds french fries 1-4 times per year (sounds about right for me; maybe I have it 5 or 6 times some years), it's not going to kill me. Just like cigarettes. If I smoked one per day (and it is possible if you avoid all the things that can make it a habit), I certainly wouldn't be hurt. Maybe not as healthy as the non-smoker when I'm 70, but at that point I won't need to run around.
So banning things because it's bad if you have it too much is just stupid. Now, the government wants to regulate (get ready for this one) salt! Yes, nothing is safe. Next, tobacco will be outlawed; especially if Huckabee wins.
If there wasn't a reason to get rid of the Department of Education, this should give one. I bet they'll teach how to put salt on food and to turn in anyone that uses too much. Tasty!
And what's the ultimate outrage? The Surgeon General wants a skinnier Santa because kids should look up to people who are in shape. God help us all if a kid happens to look up to his overweight dad! Nope, that would be wrong. They should look up to athletes!