Sunday, February 24, 2008

SSPX on the Good Friday Prayer

So, the post about the women ref should be part I. Actually, I probably wrote about them before....can't remember. Like I always say, there's some good folks in the SSPX, but the society itself is in the name of "orthodoxy". I remember something about a group of people that are orthodox and have something to do with one of the cardinal directions. Oh golly gee, I can't remember what they're called!
They're not in schism, but at this rate, I'll give it 50-100 years.
Anyway, while drinking down some flat, but cold, Pepsi I read that the Society probably isn't going to use the new Good Friday prayer.
This isn't some kind of trap to get traditionalists in (wait, aren't they already in? Oh, right, in the NO Church. Oh wait...) and make them forget about their traditions.
The prayer isn't novelty. If it is, why don't I call the Fatima prayer a novelty? Or, I know, kneelers. They are protestant after all. If you're not suffering, you're not livin' man.
Anyway, let's pray that the SSPX accepts this prayer and some of the more rabid ones stop calling it novelty and all those other buzzwords.
Or maybe we should let them use those words and laugh when they are accused of being anti-semitic mysoginist evil doers and they complain how those are buzzwords used to smear them. Nah, that would be uncharitable...

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