Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Sup with Billo and Hannity?
Anyway, he said today that New York is a very liberal state. Yet if New York City broke away and became it's own state, New York State would be a red state. Not quite very liberal....
Earlier today Hannity went on about how Halloween is a liberal tool or something. Yep, "they teach our kids to beg for things for free!" Well, I'm paraphrasing, but that's pretty much dead on. Way to take something innocent (and nice) and pervert it, Jacobin!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
God debate
Expect plenty of arguments from authority, wishful thinking, ad hominems, strawman arguments, and other logical fallacies. Some from one side, some from the other, and some from both. Also expect some atheists to become more militant, some Christians to use whatever new argument comes up ad nauseam, and those of us who argue by basing our arguments on the great Saints and theologians' opinion and not some sola scriptura private interpretation heretic yahoo to be very embarrassed.
!!!Blame Ron Paul!!!
Then he went and said if Ron Paul ran for a third party, it would get Hillary elected. Funny stuff considering-
•Neocons like Hannity don't consider Paul a real Republican.
•A lot of his supporters aren't going to vote for the Republican if it isn't Ron Paul and end up voting third party.
•Some votes will go to Hillary since hes attracted some Democrats
If neocons are going to vote for anyone but Hillary, if Ron Paul is going to take votes away from her, if people who would have voted third party would vote for Ron, wouldn't he be the best choice?
Somehow, Ron Paul might just get the proverbial guillotine.
If it's a choice between a Jacobin (Rudy, Mitt, etc) or a more moderate Jacobin (Hillary, Obama, etc), give me Christ the King!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Ron Paul at the Fox debate
Well, there ya go, proof that Fox was up to no good. We're fully in the "fight" phase of that Gandhi quote. Here we go!
If Hillary wins...
Who are the poor jacobins going to blame?
The media? Probably. After all, every ill comes from the mainstream media. Well, that's what Fox tells me. Aren't they mainstream though? Yes, but they don't want to admit it. Just because they don't have a major network, but affiliates, doesn't mean a thing. If MSNBC is with their "horrible ratings" or CNN which they joke about "what channel is that on?" is mainstream, shouldn't the one that "dominates cable news" be mainstream. Of course not! The mainstream is our enemy and the cause of that evil devil Hillary winning! Give me a break! They're more mainstream than the other cable news networks because they have the better ratings. Of course, the mainstream media is going to be a possible cause.
Another one? Somehow Ron Paul. "He drove Republicans away!" Of course, all weak since he brought in potential Republicans, like myself. I'll stay around if he wins. If not, adieu voting! Well, until another good candidate comes.
The Christian Right? Ding ding! This is the most likely to happen. They are the neocons's Robespierre. Once a great hero to the "right", they're going to get guillotined. Not literally, of course! It won't be pretty, though. It's already happening with the threat of a third party. "If you go Hillary will win!"
Of course, it'll be anyone but themselves. They preach responsibility, but don't want to take it when they lose.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Yep, I missed two days of posting. Oh well!
I should be getting some Games Workshop stuff in the mail (paint, brushes, stuff to make terrain) soon.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
You know what I'm talking about..."3000 people died you -------!" or "It was a tragedy you son uv a-" or the best "My *relative* was a(n) *occupation* and died in those towers!"
Yet does this add to anything? Nah. In fact, it strengthens the truther's cause. What they're doing is called wishful thinking. Whether the government or 19 thugs did it wouldn't change the fact that 3000 people died, that is was a tragedy, or a relative died. It would be nicer to think that some nuts did it and not a government conspiracy.
The old saying "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" works with some minor changes. If you don't have anything logical to say, don't say anything at all.
No, I don't believe 9/11 was an inside job, but I do wonder about tower 7. I did see that PBS documentary where the guy said "pull it". As far as I know, that's the only thing I haven't had answered.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
They need to get rid of those flying whales though. I think it would be better to launch something off of an airplane. Better for the environment and a lot cooler looking too! Of course, I think NASA should be dropped by the government and let private companies do this.
This way, both the pro and anti-space exploration folks'll be happy.
Of course, the military should have a space force...and the airforce'll eventually come under the juristiction of the navy. Only after the Emperor comes around.
Oh gosh, Warhammer 40,000 references...
Monday, October 22, 2007
Post Debate Thoughts
Anyway, the debate was interesting. Not quite great like the FNC folks were saying, but still interesting. Ron Paul isn't on the end of the group anymore, which is good.
I hated the Rudy-Mitt-John-Fred love fest that went on in the beginning. Of course, I hate anything involving the popular warmongers.
My favorite part was the gay marriage amendment question to Ron Paul.
"You're not conservative! You voted against a marriage ammendment! Ha ha! Zing!"
"It's a religious thing, and the only reason the state got into that business was for heath reasons!"
Reverse zing! Ron Paul was booed a few times. Now that's interesting. Most of the folks there were Romneyites, so it makes sense. I wonder how many people listened to the boo's instead of what he said?
I think it was McCain that wanted to build the missile defense system in Eastern Europe, which probably is the sentiment of the other frontrunners. Too bad it breaks a treaty we had with the Russians. We break a treaty, and somehow they're the bad guys? Yeesh! McCain's "Lol wen I b lookin at Putin I b seein a Kay uh Gee an-a bee" was a bit repetitive. Yet more coldwar mentality. When I stopped being a neocon, I wondered about their mentality. Now it's coming true. I'm not prophet, anyone could have seen that coming from a mile away!
Finally, what's up with the Hillary=Ron because of the war? They're completely different. Actually, when it's election time, I bet Hillary is going to become less lefty, and Rudy less righty. Then what's the difference? More smearing by FNC, but it's okay because it was in the form of a question HA-HA!
Afterwards, they had their little "spin room" thing. They sure spun Ron Paul winning the text votes. I thought I'd never type this, but Viva Colmes! At least he has one advocate on that evil channel. Stacking the votes...haha!
Well, at least Hannity was a bit nicer to him to his face. He asked if he would endorse the Republican. He said no. Then I think he asked if he would endorse the Libertarian. Best answer given in this spin room episode-maybe. That's right, there's no groupthink in every party.
Calm down, calm down. Yes, there is groupthink in the Republican Party...her name is Hillary. "Vote for the Republican, or else Hillary will win!"
The sad thing is...Hillary would be better than Rudy, Mitt, Fred, or John.
And I'm actually as conservative as they come...
Edit-I forgot that Rudy said Marriage was not just a Religious institution, but a civil one as well. This guy calls himself a Catholic and writes it off as being bad at it? Being bad at it would be falling into the same sins, not totally disagreeing with common Church sense. The differences between Rudy and Henry VIII are slowly eroding.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
¡Viva españa! ¡Arriba españa!
The song isn't to Franco, but the Falange.Rallies banned at Franco's mausoleum
Paul Hamilos in Madrid
Thursday October 18, 2007
Guardian Unlimited
The basilica in which General Franco is buried will no longer be used to
hold political rallies in celebration of Spain's former dictator, according to a
new law to be voted on at the end of the month.
The foundation that runs the
Valley of the Fallen, a vast memorial to Franco topped with a giant cross
visible for miles around, will also have to provide information on "all of those
who died during the civil war and who suffered repression", not just the victims
of the republicans.
The Valley of the Fallen, in the Guadarrama valley north-west of Madrid,
remains a shrine for the small band of followers who still openly support
Franco. But if the new law is passed, they will no longer be permitted to meet
there on the anniversary of his death, when they gather to sing "Cara al Sol",
or "Face to the Sun", the anthem to Franco.
Between 1940 and 1958,
republican prisoners were forced to build the mausoleum under Franco's orders,
and the underground crypt was declared a basilica by Pope John XXIII in 1960.
The change in status of the Valley of the Fallen is one of a number of
amendments made today to the historical memory law, one of the most
controversial pieces of legislation in Spain's 30 years of democracy.
proposed by the Socialist government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero last year,
the law has been fiercely opposed by the conservative People's party (PP). In a
surprise move yesterday, The PP supported the amendment on Franco's mausoleum,
but continued to express their opposition to the law. The PP's general
secretary, Angel Acebes, described it as the result of a process intended to
"divide rather than unite the people of Spain".
It was also announced that
the grandchildren of those who were forced into exile, or chose to leave Spain
during the dictatorship, will be able to apply for Spanish nationality. Until
now only those whose parents were born in Spain could apply for citizenship.
According to the governing PSOE, this amendment will affect around 1 million
people, who will have a two-year period from 2009 within which to apply.
Last week it was confirmed that Spain would ban all public references to the
Franco regime, with all statues, street names and symbols associated with the
dictator to be removed. Those churches which still have plaques commemorating
Franco and the victims of his republican opponents risk losing state aid if the
refuse to remove them.
· This article was amended on Friday October 19 2007.
Pope John XXIII rather than Pope John Paul XXIII was Pope in 1960. This has been
Nonetheless, the communists have regained control, and it's about time there's another revolution led by another Generalissimo! Let's hope Catholicism will overcome Communism once again.
¡Viva españa! ¡Arriba españa!

Ron Paul's a pinhead?
O'Reilly said he doesn't want a history lesson. Is it possible to answer a question about Iran without a history lesson? No, it solidifies a "no". O'Reilly is just a browbeater, like Chris Matthews used to be.
O'Reilly really needs a Zell Miller.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Priests arrested
To anyone who says waterboarding isn't torture-get waterboarded yourself and report your conclusions to me.
People can get their children taken away for psychological abuse, but it's cool for the government to do it to extract information. Makes sense to me!
There are better ways to get information. During World War II, soldiers would play cards with prisoners and they got information pretty well. "But what about the extremism!" Well, Americans aren't as attached to their land as Europeans are (or were), so betraying their homeland would be almost like betraying their God.
Maybe we could even win a few of the bad guys over. Get out of everyone's business and stop supporting Israel so much. And maybe even stop abusing them...there's no way we can make them change their mind by having their minds perceive death.
Not everyone worships Aries...
On a lighter note, because laughter is a good sign that things aren't so bad in the world, a joke that's sorta related:
A man walked up to a Franciscan and Jesuit and asked, "How many novenas must you say to get a Mercedes Benz?"
The Franciscan asked, "What's a Mercedes Benz?"
The Jesuit asked, "What's a novena?"
Will history repeat itself?
Ike was a leader who could say no. He was what we needed after the disastrous tenure of Harry Truman, who had left office with an approval rate of 23 percent.
Bush is going to leave office with low approval rates, and Ron Paul is known as Dr. No. Hopefully this is a pretty good indicator of what will happen.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Oh dear, even more of a reason to fear Doctors
Shame that doctors are doing that now. I don't know if it happens in New York, but it never happened to me since my mom was always in the doctor's office with me. Of course, the idiots I went to always managed to mess everything up or insult me (no, I never realized I wasn't healthy, thanks for pointing that out!), but never grilled me about my personal life. Well, there was the one lady I almost got into an argument with over whether I walk or not. Yep, folks from Manhattan walk everywhere, but you kind of have to do it too if no one in your house has a driver's license or a working car. Yet I digress.
When I was little, if someone asked me if anyone ever made me feel uncomfortable, I would have never thought about it in a sexual abuse sort of way, but in a comfort type of way. It's a bit silly to use that kind of terminology with a 13-year-old though. They know what sexual abuse is.
Is there some law that says it's illegal to own a gun? There's no reason to file a police report. If I'm blessed enough to have kids one day, and they're asked if I have a weapon, I hope they tell them I have a Star Destroyer in the garage. Of course, if I had my way, that wouldn't be a lie!
Let's just hope by the time that happens, I don't have that Chainsword I'm trying to build anymore....
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The Bush Administration Are Big Babies
They're willing to attack countries that sponsor terrorism, but they don't want Turkey to defend itself against the Kurds since it would make Iraq look even more messed up.
They get angry when Chavez called Bush the devil, but it's a-ok to stick it to the Chinese by attending the Dalai Lama's Congressional Gold Metal ceremony.
It's fine and dandy for Israel to attack military installations, but if someone attacked our's, fecal matter would hit the fan.
And of course, it's awesome to hurt citizens with embargoes, but we topple a regime if they're killing their own people.
Childish? I think so.
By giving the Dalai Lama the Congressional Gold Medal, the government is using American's tax dollars to "attack" China. What did he do to deserve the honor anyway? Tick the Chinese off? Better give Bush the Medal of Honor since he's gone beyond that and ticked the whole world off.
And why don't they want Turkey to protect it's borders? Obviously because they don't care about our own borders and don't want to seem worse than Turkey.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Don't Mess With Us; Kudos to FBC
John Harwood said
"Ron Paul dominated the debate, and some of my colleagues at CNBC thought that there was something wrong with that and they took the poll down. I want to tell you, my email box, thousands and thousands and thousands of email, like I haven't seen from any other -- you know,followers of Chris Dodd or Bill Richardson or Joe Biden."
I also caught a Ron Paul interview of Fox Business Channel. Kudos to the male host for being very respectful, and maybe even delighted! The female was a bit more FNCish towards him. Sidenote, I could have swore her accent kept switching from southern to none. I might just write them a nice email, and maybe even watch their show. Maybe not, though. If they end up being neoconish, I'll be a sad lad.
Money and Politics-Third Quarter Numbers
Oh, and who had the most donations from the military? Click here to find out the amazing numbers!
Bring them home, baby! From Iraq, to Germany, to Korea, and everywhere our troops are stationed.
O'Reilly the Heretic, part II
He still never apologized for his implied support of birth control.
O'Reilly did make a pretty good point though. He said that the Church didn't condemn them. What O'Reilly doesn't know is the majority of the USCCB is almost schismatic. Emphasis on almost. There's a few good men, and quite a number of them are well intentioned and have been tricked by the bad ones. This is why we have to pray for them.
Will the Pope say anything about it? It wouldn't surprise me if he didn't. He knows how it is over there, he knows that it's not Catholicism anymore.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Ron Paul Astroturfing? And CNBC vs. Paul
"Unlike genuine grassroots activism which tends to be money-poor but people-rich, astroturf campaigns are typically people-poor but cash-rich. Funded heavily by corporate largesse, they use sophisticated computer databases, telephone banks and hired organizers to rope less-informed activists into sending letters to their elected officials or engaging in other actions that create the appearance of grassroots support for their client's cause."Okay, we're not going to use the term literally. CNBC pulled their poll because their numbers didn't match the national numbers. Was it astroturfing? Probably not since it wasn't possible to vote more than once. Remember when Hannity said it was just Paulites "spamming" the text message vote? Well, it wasn't possible to vote more than once.
Maybe the polls are a bit skewed, but that's the others' fault. What's so exciting about them? "More dead people and more government control although less than the democrats"? Only the most committed neocons can get excited about that.
Who is astroturfing? Anyone who brings in low numbers at rallies, like Fred Thompson and John McCain.
Speaking of CNBC, lookie at what I found.
"He lacks the support needed to win the GOP nomination, and would even if the media covered him as heavily as we cover Rudy Giuliani. Why? Because Paul's views--respectable, well-articulated and sincerely held as they are--are plainly out of step with the mainstream sentiment of the party he is running in."
Uh, what? His views are similar to Pat Buchanan. Yes, Pat didn't win the nomination, but he did well considering he was "out of step with the party he [was] running in". Rudy's views aren't quite mainstream if we're to believe that 25% of the party is the Christian Right. What he doesn't want to admit is that the media anoints frontrunners. Name recognition didn't matter to Mitt Romney, he was still the media's darling. And why is that? To make for good TV. Forget any sort of political bias, if the majority of the people were behind the president, they would have to report on some celebrities a lot more often! I doubt they would mind too much.
And how did he raise almost half as much as Mitt and Rudy(subtracting Mitt's own "donation" to himself)? Sure, there's a number of non-Republicans donating, but who's to say they're not going to join and stay like I will if Dr. Paul wins?
There are plenty of ex-Republicans, and those people are the ones who share Ron Paul's views. Most Libertarians are ex-Republicans too. He may not be a neocon, but if the GOP wasn't taken over by the Neocons, CNBC would need a new excuse.
Rudy has the Catholic vote?
Oh well, let's fight for the Reign of Christ the King and against these virtual apostates. Of course, pro-lifers want the federal government to outlaw abortion. Doesn't this imply that abortion isn't murder though? Murder laws are always left to the states. Just petition your local government, you'll have more success in the local levels. Petition the federal government to follow the Just War Theory strictly. That's something they actually have the authority to do!
Pray for the end of abortion, and pray that it will be left to the states where we can actually get something done!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Joseph e Chico
Chico the cat tells pope's life story By ALESSANDRA RIZZO, Associated Press Writer Thu Oct 4, 1:32 PM ET
ROME - The story of Pope Benedict XVI's life — from his birth in Germany to his election as pontiff — is told through the eyes of a tabby cat called Chico in a new children's book.
In "Joseph and Chico: A Cat Recounts the Life of Pope Benedict XVI," the orange tabby cat tells readers the pope is "my dearest friend, a wonderful man with whom I've spent many happy moments."
He recounts Benedict's childhood and his passion for reading and playing the piano. The books depicts the future pope's early steps in the Catholic Church, from when he entered a seminary in 1939 to his ordination as a priest in 1951.
The book will hit Italian bookstores on Monday.
The feline narrator is inspired by a real orange tabby cat in Pentling — the German town where the pope, then Joseph Ratzinger, lived for a period before moving to Rome in 1981 — that belonged to the family next door.
"I can assure you that what you will find in this book ... is all true and interesting," Benedict's secretary, Monsignor Georg Gaenswein, says in the preface of the book.
The 44-page book also touches on the Nazi era, when a teenaged Ratzinger enrolled in the Hitler Youth. "In that period, Joseph was forced to do something that absolutely went against his will: enroll in the Army and leave for war," it says.
The pope eventually deserted without seeing combat and was taken prisoner by U.S. forces before being released several weeks later.
The biography ends with Pope John Paul II's funeral and Benedict's election to the pontificate on in April 2005. "Now Joseph Ratzinger is not only my friend, but the great friend and leader of all Catholics," Chico says.
Benedict is known to like cats. Before he became pope, he looked after stray cats in his old neighborhood near the Vatican.
The book, written in Italian by Jeanne Perego and illustrated by Donata Dal Molin Casagrande, will go on sale Monday, publishing house Edizioni Messaggero Padova said. The publisher will negotiate international rights at the Frankfurt Book Fair next week.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Bill O'Reilly the Heretic
Talking Points Memo & Top StoryThank Goodness he's reporting it, but I have a bone to pick with him. He implied that if people have to have sex before marriage, they should wear a condom. That's right, he'd advocating birth control, contrary to the Catholic Church's teachings under the pain of excommunication. I understand his intention, and it's a sad side effect from the cult of life that has been set up in the post-Vatican II Church. Sure, abortions would be down if condoms were used more often, but ipso facto excommunications rise. Chances are, they'll receive our Lord's Body while outside of the Church, and sacrilege would rise. I hope Bill stops espousing Heresy and stops making a mockery of his Catholic faith like Shawn Hannity is.
Gay activists mock the church--in church
A shocking story out of San Francisco--this time, two gay men dressed as nuns are given communion in a San Fran Catholic church.
He had a chance to apologize for advocating birth control. In the end, he's no better than the men that he reported on. The same sacrilege is happening. I understand that people sin and falter, I have plenty of experience. It's not possible to justify ideological sin like this. Is he addicted to saying condoms are good? If that's even possible, he's still a sick man and doesn't belong on TV.
A note to detractors, I'm not claiming I'm better than these men. However, I challenge you to show me something I wrote that's in support of birth control.
Antipope Rudolphus
Rudy is an authoritarian, and anyone who tells you otherwise is either a stanch supporter (that is, anyone who says "I'm voting for Rudy" to "I think I like Rudy") or not paying attention. Here's a good quote from him proving the point,
"We look upon authority too often and focus over and over again, for 30 or 40 or 50 years, as if there is something wrong with authority. We see only the oppressive side of authority. Maybe it comes out of our history and our background. What we don't see is that freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do."
Sorry, but true freedom is about submitting to God, His laws, and His Truth.
Rudy is being hypocritical, though. He wants us to submit to his authority, but he refuses to submit to the Pope's authority. If someone calls him out on his heresies, he says we can't judge him. He says it's between him and his confessor. Seems like not even a bishop can judge him. When one said he wouldn't give him communion, Rudy said,
"Archbishops have a right to their opinion, you know. There's freedom of religion in this country. There's no established religion, and archbishops have a right to their opinion. Everybody has a right to their opinion."
There may be freedom of religion in this country, but you're under the Pope and his Bishops, and as a layman, under the priests. There is no freedom of religion in the Catholic Church, pal.
He also said,
"I'm guided very, very often about, 'Don't judge others, lest you be judged,'"
The problem is that he's a public figure and showing himself to be a heretic publicly. Anyone who cares more about terrorism and making us "safe" over the salvation of souls has his priorities messed up. He messed the quote up too. We can judge whether an act is outwardly good or bad, but can't judge the soul and say "oh, he's a saint" or "He's going to hell".
Unless he's the pope, he's not above judgement. It wouldn't surprise me if he made some sort of national parallel church. Every religion must answer to him or else they're extremists? Who knows. He did say we need to give up our freedom to authority, and he thinks like he's the pope.
Antipope Rudolphus? Seems like a possibility.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Fox pimps war with Russia, Rudy, and Hillary
Bolton also mentioned a cold war mentality. Neocons have it, Putin doesn't. Isn't that right, Fred?
They also did a segment where they asked people who they're going to vote for. It was all Rudy, Hillary, or "Obama though I think Hillary is going to win". One guy implied that Rudy Giuliani is Italian, ergo, I will vote for the paesan. I know quite a few Italians that think like that, including some in my own family. I wouldn't vote for a guy just because he's Italian, French, and/or Albanian. It's pretty obvious that they're pimping those two to the candidacy.
God Willing, we'll give them a surprise. God Willing, it'll be the man with an army of amazing supporters. God Willing, it'll be the only candidate that totally views abortion as murder (murder laws should be at the state level, and there's a better chance of banning it state-by-state than by taking it to the courts). God Willing, it'll be the man representing traditional Conservatism, the man who will be the glimmer of hope for the Republican Party, the man who will take care of our nation and not some "'liberated" foreign nation.
By the way, it's too late to register or switch parties and vote in the primaries for two states (my state is one). Time for me to focus on registered Republicans.
Give 'em hell from the Fightin' 14th, Ron!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
If Gandhi is right, Ron Paul could darn well win this
Indeed, at first Ron Paul was ignored. Written off as a low second tier candidate. During the first debates, no one took him seriously and pretty much ignored him, with the exception of Rudy, who wanted to look like a tough guy by trying to smack down a smaller candidate. Of course, he failed miserably. When I first heard Ron Paul speak, I cheered like I did for Zell Miller back when I was a neocon. When he withstood he attack and fired back at Rudy, there was no question in my mind who I was supporting.
Then he was laughed at in a Fox News Channel debate. I'm still not sure who did it, but do we need to? Nah, all neocons always insult people instead of rebutting their arguments or backing up their insults. Why can't they? They know that if they had to justify why he's crazy, it's because he follows the law.
Are we at the fighting stage? Not totally, but we're at the cusp of it. Last debate, it was John McCain who said an ever so witty comment while Ron Paul was speaking. However, the national Review has started attacking him even more than usual.
By the time CNN airs the Youtube debate, I'll expect everyone to pile on Rep. Paul. If he fights back and either holds his ground or wins, expect him to win. If not everyone, expect the frontrunners to do it. In the end, he'll hold is own.
The third phase is likely to come before that debate though. Hannity and other neocons write him off as a nut and a fringe candidate, but they'll start attacking him.
And it'll be all the better for the one human hope for the GOP. Big guys like Giuliani, Ramney, McCain, Thompson, O'Reilly, Hannity, Levin (the posterboy of the Neocons), Limbaugh, Hume, and others will try to attack him and cut him down.
Let's hope and pray he has the vitality to win the respect of the voters by withstanding, become the neocons' worst nightmare because he's withstanding, and go all the way to the White House.
A scarier side of Rudy revealed at the debate?
So, what does this all imply? Rudy just may have military operations in Pakistan whether they like it or not! He may just have no respect for borders. What does that mean for us? He won't have respect for property rights or our border.
After all, if he's willing to attack people who will fight back, what would stop him from doing it to the people who won't?
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Spy Bugs
Sorry for the double post, but that's just mindblowing.
Update: What the heck?!
"Some federally funded teams are even growing live insects with computer chips in them, with the goal of mounting spyware on their bodies and controlling their flight muscles remotely."
later on...
"In one approach, researchers funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) are inserting computer chips into moth pupae -- the intermediate stage between a caterpillar and a flying adult -- and hatching them into healthy 'cyborg moths.'"
and then...
"'I don't want people to get paranoid, but what can I say?' Fearing said. 'Cellphone cameras are already everywhere. It's not that much different.'"
First, isn't it wrong to manipulate creatures in such a way?
Second, cell phone cameras and bug robots are different. Cellphones don't blend into the environment.
Fred Thompson and the media reinforces my political ideology
I'm usually not against the media, and one of a tiny minority of trads that doesn't have a problem with TV. I'm starting to become anti-TV because adults are fusing information and entertainment. The real world and the world of mediocre TV shows is not the same thing. The show 24 is universally loved by neocons and justify themselves by implying "It's just like in 24, guys!".
So, do people trust Fred because they know what he believes, or because of his character on Law & Order? Thanks to him, they're referring to candidates as "Law and Order candidates", which is another word for totalitarian. I don't believe that the media is controlled by some shadowy conspirators trying to bring in a new world order one world government; but if there's such a conspiracy, they're foolish (perhaps aloof?) enough to help usher it in.
I honestly believe that most people are incredibly uninformed. Neocons and nationalists be damned, I'm saying it. They're too ignorant to vote and until a majority of Americans become uninformed I will be absolutely entrenched in my monarchism. Once they do, I'll still be a monarchist, but I'll have more respect for the American system.
People shouldn't skip debates and hear the recap, because plenty of times they end up spinning it to make a frontrunner look good. I remember this happened when they cut Ron Paul's rebuttal to Giuliani's rebuttal. It looked like Rudy won, but watching the actual thing shocked me. He put Rudy to shame.
CNBC Debate
Fred Thompson isn't very impressive. He didn't give much effort. More on him in another post.
Rudy wants to police the internet and would possibly create an FCC type of agency if (when) his idea doesn't work. He mentioned 9.11 once when Ron Paul talked about when is a good time to declare war. Iraq never declared war on us, and Iran hasn't attacked us. It could be argued that they are attacking us, but they wouldn't be if we weren't there, plus what they're doing is similar to what the CIA did during the 80's! Rudy doesn't know how to fight terrorism. His true colors were finally shown. When Maria asked how he would stop London replacing NYC, he said it wouldn't. He's ignoring the facts, as she pointed out. Replace NYC with America, and we get "America is great, and there's never going to be a replacement! We're number 1!!". Finally, where did he get that number about the terrorists we stopped?
Mitt is just creepy. He wants to consult lawyers before going to war with Iran. Are these impartial lawyers, or his own neocon ones with no respect for the law of the land? I'm going to assume the latter. His fight with Rudy went to show how disrespectful he is. He shouldn't have laughed or interjected any words before Rudy finished. They're all the same though, remember someone was laughing a the Fox debates when Ron Paul talked? Neocons have no class.
Huckabee was himself. Nothing spectacular, just the usual Christian Rightist (religious neocon)
McCain was himself also. I feel kind of bad since he's teetering near the second tier and he's not a complete jerk like the others.
Duncan Hunter...if everyone was tied, he'd be more frightening than Rudy. However, I don't remember what he said during this debate.
Tancredo and Brownback didn't get much time. They got a couple of questions asked to them, but mostly answered ones where everyone got to answer.
Ron Paul did well, but didn't get many questions. More than the two guys above though. Or, at least it seemed that way. Who knows.
The hosts were alright. I just don't like how much they focus on the frontrunners. Half the reason they're frontrunners is because the media is pimping them to that spot. And half the reason I'm voting for Ron Paul is to shame the media. I'll post about why else next time though. I do have some explaining to do.
All in all, a pretty alright debate. Nothing too spectacular.
The Hardball aftershow was horrible though. Chris' interview was good, but at the end, two of the guests called Ron Paul crazy and asked if he can stay in to the end. Yes, he can. He raised half the money Rudy did, and he apparently has only 1%
Sorry if this is a bit ranting. Here are the results of the polls on MSNBC
Who stood out from the pack? * 7918 responses
Ron Paul 72%
Mike Huckabee 7.6%
Mitt Romney 7.3%
Fred Thompson5%
Rudy Giuliani 4.1%
John McCain 1.7%
Tom Tancredo 0.9%
Sam Brownback 0.6%
Duncan Hunter 0.5%
Who showed the most leadership qualities? * 7852 responses
Ron Paul 71%
Mike Huckabee 8%
Mitt Romney 7.5%
Rudy Giuliani 4.8%
Fred Thompson 4.5%
John McCain 2.5%
Tom Tancredo 1%
Duncan Hunter 0.6%
Sam Brownback 0.5%
Who was the most convincing candidate? * 7834 responses
Ron Paul 72%
Mike Huckabee 8.3%
Mitt Romney 6.7%
Rudy Giuliani 4.3%
Fred Thompson 4.3%
John McCain 1.9%
Tom Tancredo 0.8%
Sam Brownback 0.7%
Duncan Hunter 0.6%
Who had the most rehearsed answers? * 7738 responses
Rudy Giuliani 31%
Mitt Romney 27%
Fred Thompson 21%
Ron Paul 7.2%
Mike Huckabee 5.3%
John McCain 4.4%
Sam Brownback 1.6%
Tom Tancredo 1.2%
Duncan Hunter 0.8%
Who avoided the questions? * 7678 responses
Rudy Giuliani 38%
Fred Thompson 22%
Mitt Romney 17%
Ron Paul 5.9%
John McCain 5.7%
Mike Huckabee 5.5%
Sam Brownback 2.5%
Tom Tancredo 1.7%
Duncan Hunter 0.9%
Who had the best one-liner? * 7636 responses
Ron Paul 53%
Mitt Romney13%
Fred Thompson 12%
Mike Huckabee 9.2%
Rudy Giuliani 4.5%
John McCain 3.2%
Tom Tancredo 2.6%
Sam Brownback 1.6%
Duncan Hunter 0.7%
I thought Brownback had the best one-liner *shrugs*
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Monday, October 8, 2007
Columbus Day
Why is it an Italian holiday though? I think it ought to be a Spanish Holiday. Yes, I'm Italian, and I'm probably a heretic in their eyes now! It's al cool, though. Maybe it's because I think Italy should have remained divided, maybe it's because I almost never have Spanish food. Maybe I just really like Ferdinand and Isabella!
Anyway, anyone know what tomorrow is? Leif Erikson Day! If I didn't shave yesterday, I would have painted my facial hair red and beat a drum all day.
Fox News takes on Chris Matthews and bias
Anyway, the ubiquitous immodestly dressed woman said that it would be like Shawn Hannity moderating a debate. She also said the Fox News debates are moderated by their "...political team that are not biased...."
Not biased? The same neocon team that ridiculed Ron Paul? The same one that belittled small government? The same one that said that he's going to take his marching orders from al-Qaeda? The same one that didn't tell whoever was laughing at the most recent debate to stop? The same one moderated by arch-neocon Brit Hume?
When are they going to drop this fair and balanced stuff? When pigs fly? Well, I guess I'm off to buy a cannon, a pig, a glider, and plenty of duct tape.
The Democrats refused to debate on Fox, and the neocons don't have to debate on MSNBC.
Edit: It's stupid to point this out, and I probably shouldn't, but in the promo for their story the lady said "a event"
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Warhammer goodness!
There's really very few things that feel better than working on something for 4 hours and then sitting on my bed chillin' on the internet. Not as good as laying in the grass when it's cool though, but close.
What to make next...maybe a chapel?
Since it's Sunday, I won't write anything political or serious. I know, I know...I failed this morning. Then again, I decided to keep it lighthearted after I made that post.
Halo News Channel!
Apparently the fine folks at Fox think killing space aliens in a war in a video game is murder, yet it's noble for us to kill real people in a real war. They really should make up their minds.
Of course, it isn't Fox unless they do something silly (yes, there's something weirder than the above). They were talking about the game, and played a clip from Soul Caliber.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Ron Paul on Good Morning America and Rudy hates Ferrets
There were two things that almost had me yell at my TV. The first was about Ron Paul's military contributors. They said he had the most, but implied that he barely beat John McCain. Well, last quarter, he beat him pretty well. In fact, Obama was the closest to him. I haven't seen anything on this quarter's numbers so far.
The second was the interviewer's chuckle when Paul told him how he would pay for everything. It was a pretty good answer too-spend less by cutting unnecessary departments.
Even if we don't win, I'd love to see him beat one of the frontrunners. I wonder how the neocons are going to spin that?
Edit-Here's the transcript
Rudy: It's my show, I have the right to talk over you.
David: But-Here's the thing
Rudy:The fact is
David: I called in last time, and-
Rudy: And the fact-and the fact-
David: and we're trying to get
Rudy: DAVID!
David: an important issue taken care of where the city is violating state laws.
Rudy: David-
David:And I asked you last week if you cared about the law.
Rudy: Yes, I do care about the law I think you have
David: So why-(?)
Rudy: TOTALLY AND ABSOLUTELY misinterpreted the law because there's something deranged about you.
David: No there isn't, sir
Rudy: You-
David: The law states
Rudy: ...the excessive
David: The law states
Rudy: ...concern that you have for ferrets is something you should examine with a therapist.
David: Sir, understand that-well, first of all
Rudy: Inaudible
David: There you go insulting me again.
Rudy: I'm not insulting you, I'm being honest with you. Maybe nobody in your life has ever been honest with you. But this excessive-
David: I happen to be more sane than you!
Rudy: David...
David: First of all-
Rudy: There is something-
David: let me explain something to you something about the law (?)
Rudy: there is a serious...
David: Mr. Giuliani-
Rudy: David.
David: Rudy-
Rudy: This conversation is over, David. Thank you. There is something really, really very sad about you. You need help. You need somebody to help you. This excessive concern with little weasels is a sickness. I'm sorry, that's my opinion. You don't have to accept it, there's probably very few people that will be honest as honest with you about that, but you should go consult a psychologist or a psychiatrist and they can help you with this excessive concern that you are devoting your life to weasels. There are people in this city, and in this world, that need a lot of help. There's something that has gone wrong with you. Your compulsion about it, your excessive concern with it, is the sign of something wrong in your personality. I do not mean to be insulting, I'm trying to be honest with you and I'm trying to give you advice for your own good. You have a sickness and I know it's hard for you to accept that because you hang onto this sickness and it's your shield-it's your whatever, I don't, you know. You gotta go to somebody who understands this a lot better than I do. And I know you're real angry at me and you're going to attack me, but actually you're angry at yourself. And what you're-you're-you're afraid of what I'm raising with you. And, you need help. And...please get it.
Commentary on his trade to come. The obvious question is why did he insult him? Just write him off as a nut? It's an issue, debate it, Rudy. If you're so sure it's the right thing, then debate it. It should be easy to argue.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Two hours of Ron Paul
238,421.20 15 minutes
238,586.20 30 minutes
238,761.20 45 minutes
239,636.20 60 minutes
246,333.20 15 minutes
246,641.97 30 minutes
247,403.97 45 minutes
247,923.97 60 minutes
Props to the guy or gal that gave $7.77
I wonder whar Rudy's numbers are...
Hydra Dominatus!
Obviously, my marine army is the Alpha Legion. Why? I really like their style, but of all the legions, their story is the best. I love their battlecries. I can imagine a terminator slaying hoardes of the loyalists yelling "For the Emperor!" mockingly over their screams. Hydra Dominatus is a good one too, especially after blasting a commissar's head off!
Anyway, I'll update y'all on how it goes.
In the meanwhile, I'm making scenery for Warhammer. I kind of messed up something cool yesterday, so I'm going to spend a while trying to repair it.
Fred Thompson is Ronald Reagan, darn it!
Fred Thompson apparently didn't get the memo. I saw on Countdown that he referred to Russia as the Soviet Union. Yep, the neocons have a cold war fetish alright.
Yes, Putin used the red star as the official military logo. Guess what? It's been the unofficial logo even during Yeltsin's time. He is not using the Soviet national anthem, but he is using the tune (which, I hate to say, is pretty rad, maaaaaaan).
I'm seriously wondering about a war with Russia. Just leave Putin alone if you don't like him. He's not our problem. If anything, we should try to be friends with Russia. The Cold War is over and not coming back unless we provoke it.
*Patiently waits for a Putin-Hitler comparison*
Well, I did it
Who would have thought that a good candidate would be around so quickly? At any rate, God bless Ron Paul!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Facebook goodness-Sellout supporters and a stab at Giuliani
You are a crazy [expletive] sir, I know you hate facebook and you'll probably
never read this, but:Your great for New York City, bad for the United States
America. Also, next time you see Hilldog can you ask her to get out of
New York,
get out of the race and get out of Politics? Thanks and Have a
good day
Oh, and I've heard plenty of things like this-
Mr. Giuliani, I am a social and fiscal conservative from Tennessee who is
supporting you because of your strong stance on crime, illegal immigration, and
your natural ability to lead by looking at your record as mayor of NYC.
I'm a Pro-Life, Pro-Gun, ideologically libertarian conservative (as opposed
to a religious conservative) who is supporting Rudy, because he has shown strong
leadership as mayor of NY and his fiscally conservative credentials are
of course
I am a pro-life Conservative who is supporting Rudy Giuliani to be the next
President of the United States. We live in consequential times. We need a leader
who has the experience needed to keep American safe.
There's others, of course. It's a shame that so many people are willing to cast their faith and beliefs aside for a feeling of security.
Before I press the spell check, because I'm a failure at typing, one last quote.
Rudy, America needs you now more than ever. I hear reports on the news about
what the other candidates will do if they are elected... i am just a little
afraid for that day if one of "them" wins. You were there standing tall on 9/11
and the weeks and months following. I want that same leadership for 4 or maybe
even 8 years. Good Luck! God Bless!
The same leadership?

(I got the picture from
Here's the link to his facebook page. Too bad there's not a "If I was Dante I'd place the candidate in their own circle of Hell" option in the application.
First post-Ron Paul goodness!
I was at the Ron Paul Nation forum, and there was an interesting thread. Write on money, it's a good way of getting the word out. If anyone is going to do it, I'd advise against the line across the masonic symbol.
You could print out some posters if you want, with the issues on it. I plan on making a few, and I'll upload them when I do. Unfortunately, my CD drive is broken, and I can't install my printer, so I can't take part in it alone.
Tagged apparent hypocrisy because I'm a monarchist for the constitutionalist. Still, he's the best thing since Buchanan and it's a hard choice between Satan himself and Giuliani (or any other neocon/Christian Right).