Sunday, May 25, 2008

Libertarian Party Convention

I watched C-Span from a bit before 10:30 until 6. Here are some of my thoughts:
Caught the last part of a show about the national guard. I hate hearing people whining about why you should respect someone. If we do, we know. If not, leave those folks alone. It reminds me of the people on Histoy's show Axemen and Tougher in Alaska. I don't care if you almost die every day, I don't have to respect you. And if I did, I sure don't because you're whining. Be more like the Ice Road truckers. You're alone, going to starve to death, then get eaten by a polar bear? Just curse a lot. Of course, I like the axmen/soldiers/Alaskans that don't whine (unless they're asses).
I caught a presentation about locks of love after that. I was wondering what this had to do with Libertarianism until the presenter mentioned that it's an example of individual contributing to somethiing without government coercion. Perfect!
Then C-Span cut to an interview with George McGovern. I didn't pay too much attention since the meatballs were ready.
Somewhere between this point and before a commercial for Thomas DiLorenzo's appearance discussing Lincoln aired. Too bad I won't be able to catch it.
Then the LP convention speeches started. I can't remember who the first speaker was, but boy did he look like he doesn't take any crap from anyone.
Then the chairman announced the order the candidates were going to speak. First was Root. I was turned off by the Mancow endorsement. Normally I'd like a guy named Mancow, but that just goes to show you how much of a jerk I think he is. I didn't catch the debate, but it sounded like he was trying to appeal to gamblers. Surprise surprise, he had no support in Nevada.
The order gets a bit fuzzy at this point, so I'm just going to post the ones that come to mind.
Barr gave a decent speech. One part made me a bit nervous. I'm well aware of his stance on South America, but I think the line he said made me wonder if he really was going to intervene.
Christine Smith gave an awesome speech. In fact, I went in rooting for Barr, but ended up supporting her (and two others later on).
Mary Rewart gave a good speech too. Honestly, I probably wouldn't have remembered her too well thogh. What made me? Well, the clever signs and Guy Fawkes. Yep, someone wore a V for Vendetta mask there. It was awesome.
Steve Kubby gave a great speech. He ended up getting my support as well.
Phillies...I honestly had to look at Wikipedia to remember him since his nominators took up a lot of time.
Mike Jingozian seemed to just be a Gravel fan. He had a multimedia presentation that messed up a few times (though it was the CD drive's fault). Alright, not his fault, right? Well, at the end, the audio/video was messed up.
And finally Mike Gravel. I boo'd him (yeah, I was doing this at home), but clapped a few times. I have to say, I have a lot of respect for him now. A hell of a lot. He said that he did't believe some of the things the LP stood for. Okay, we knew that. But then he said he'll put the party before himself. Yes, he'll support things he doesn't believe because the people that nominated him did. I know, he could be a liar, but you know what? I do believe him and that he would do his best.
I said I ended up supported three, but I only admitted to two. The third is coming up.
I was never prouder to be a New Yorker than today. The delegate chair was just too awesome.
Anyway, first round, Smith and Jingozian are out. Jingozian wants to give a speech. he mentionsthat he'll be back (I think). Then Smith comes on. She gives the single greatest speech of the day. Seriously. Maybe even of the year. Or this century! She gives a non-endorsement of Bob Barr. It was more passionate than Zell Miller. And more awesome.
She also went on an intelligent rant for reporters.
Kubby lost the next round and endorsed Ruwart. I support her, not because of the endorsement, but because of the Mary-Barr shenanigans that's been going on during votes. Or maybe that was next round. Eh, one of these rounds.
Phillies loses. Whoop dee doo. Also a tie, holy cow!
Then Gravel. It's also another tie.
Root's gone! Mary's in the lead! Sounds like Barr is going to win since they pretty much ant to run together.
And then Barr wins.

Though I supported Barr going into this, I must say it as a bit dissappointing at the end. I'll support most of his ideas, and might vote for him. I just hope the mainstream media doesn't label everything he believes as libertarian.
It's like hoping that fire won't burn me if I stick my hand in though. If the LP was a major party, they would play on this crack in the wall. Make it larger. Since they aren't, they'll try to mold it into their mainstream vision.

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