Monday, June 2, 2008

Well, I guess it could be worse

I found this Mitt Romney quote on his wikipedia article:
"I am convinced that unless America changes course, we will become the France of the 21st Century - still a great nation, but no longer the leader of the world, no longer the superpower."

This is a reference to the growing anti-war sentiment. France was a superpower three times (as far as I can remember).
First was way back when Charlemagne was king. What happened? Well, his kingdom split. We all know what happened last time someone tried to split from the US, and there's no reason it won't happen again.
Second was under the Bourbons, mainly Louis XIV's reign. Ultimately, all the wars bankrupted the kingdom.
Third was France under Napoleon. Needless to say, his empire was only great because he conquered so much.
So, what will it be, Willard Mitt? America splitting up, America bankrupting, or America conquering the world then losing everything? Looks like we're #2, trying to be #3s.
If only we were 1s.
If only we, like the French, would grow tired of endless war and empire.

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