Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Pope in AMERICA!

No, actually the Pope is in DC and New York. That's another long, strange story about me liking NY more than the US though...
Anyway, here's how my day went:
I was pretty tired around 1, but was scared to death by Fox's decision to do an emergency broadcast test. Seriously, that's the most annoying sound ever. I guess its supposed to make you fearful, but after the initial "aaah!!!" factor, it gets me more pissed off than anything else. That cold synthesized voice could say something like "Emergency broadcast: *message*". Of course, at normal speaking levels. The mind piercing screech isn't helping.
Anway, I'm wide awake and decide to keep watching the news. Maybe someone is going to say something so painfully stupid that it literally knocks me out. No, indtead I'm reminded of three things.
First, it's the deadline for you to "willingly" have your money stolen.
Second, John McCain is going to be on Hardball (I caught the last half of it and decided it was too painful to wwatch again. Since when is someone serving their own ambitions by getting into politics service to the country? I'm really getting scared of the 19 20's and 30's style rhetoric)
Third, the Pope is coming here.
Okay, I was never a fan of Sinclair Lewis' quote about fascism. I see it coming with protectionism and the green movement. I'm having second thoughts though. What little bit I could stomach, it was like the collective spirit of America ambused the Pope and suffocated him with the flag.
He's here to minister to the faithful. He's here to call for peace and harmony. He can care less about what Obama said. He's here as a religious leader, not an insane evangelical Christian Rightist. He's not going to endorse McCain, Obama, Clinton, Paul, or anyone running for president. He's here to endorse a spirit of renewal among American Catholics.
If there's one criticism I have of the Pope, it's that he came to America at the wrong time. At any other time, the media would't focus so muh on the politics. Of course, I doubt he knows that Americans are largely apathetic until the presidential elecction.
There were two highlights (besides seeing the Pope). First, there was a priest in awesome sunglasses. Second, the Vatican flag was a bit higher than the American flag.

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