Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A case against sanctions?

Iraq was placed under sanctions.
They had no navy or airforce.
Bush claims they build WMDs to sell to terrorists (ignorning the fact that they couldn't launch it, let along carry it in a suitcase without looking suspicious)
Why would they sell it? Not because they hate us, but because they would need the money.
Aha! Sanctions do cause war.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Patriotism (Nationalism) above all else

I heard Billo say something like "What about Obama's kids hearing Rev. Wright's rants against America."
Oh yes, let's worry more about God Damn America and chickens than racial junk. Apparently a parent's first duty is to teach patriotism *salutes*
Yep, America is totally becoming a religion.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

El grillo è buon cantore

Some crazy Hillary supporter asks why being a PoW is a qualification for president. I actually agree with her. The talking heads went nuts that someone would question a former military man.
Not shocking though. In the Religion of Democracy, saying anything vaguely negative about the military is blasphemy. If the Tree of Liberty replaced the Cross, soldiers replaced Christ. It is through them that we are "redeemed" (that is, our freedoms are protected and our "religion" spread.) They are the holy crusaders that protect us and spread "our" religion.
It begs the question...I guess someone who was locked up for having drugs is qualified to run for president? Wasn't he a prisoner of the drug war? Didn't he go through enough Hell in a prison?

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Pray for Peace


Thanks a lot, Mr. Bush.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Women should rule the world?

The lady that wrote Why Women Should Rule the World is always on MSNBC. Sheesh, if we're going to say why *group* should rule the world, maybe I should write Why Franks Should Rule the World. It would probably make a more interesting read.
Wait...maybe Why Women Shouldn't Rule the World! Yeah, that's the one. Sure to get beat up by a mob of angry folks too!
Thesis: Women are more totalitarian.

Military Industrial Complex I

Figure I'll keep tabs on the Military Industrial Complex.
Boeing lost a bid for refuelers to Northrop-Grumman and Airbus. The lady on MSNBC said that it could have provided 44,000 jobs. Isn't that a bit creepy? Not only the government providing jobs sucking up human resources like the parasite it is, but jobs being provided to build planes for the military.
Ah well, at least the US' arch enemy France got the deal. That makes it just that much sweeter.